How Dare That Bitch Piss Off Her Boss!

Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
What a terrible politician she is! One thing every American politician knows deep into his or her bones is you don’t upset the guy that has total power over you.

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Considering that “ceasefire” is moslem/arabic for “let us regroup and rebuild so we can kill you later”, only a complete idiot would favor a ceasefire. Ya know, like the ceasefire that was in place on October 6.
So you're all in on the "Final Solution", the complete Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine of Palestinians by the Israelis?

What should the US role in this Ethnic Cleaning be?
What a terrible politician she is! One thing every American politician knows deep into his or her bones is you don’t upset the guy that has total power over you.

I would be upset as well when I have a meeting with someone who says one thing and then comes out and says another. Don't say I stand with you and then turn around and stab me in the back. Harris is not even close to ready for prime time.
So you're all in on the "Final Solution", the complete Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine of Palestinians by the Israelis?

What should the US role in this Ethnic Cleaning be?
More like Dresden or Hiroshima/Nagasaki. Basically, kill them until they get tired of dying. It’s what happened in the American Revolution, the War between the States, and WW2. It’s what didn’t happen in WW1, Korea, Vietnam, and the GWOT. If the Terrorstinians want to fight to the last man, then so be it.

USA’s role should be to keep arming the Jews.
What a terrible politician she is! One thing every American politician knows deep into his or her bones is you don’t upset the guy that has total power over you.

I'm curious Dan, did you appreciate what Vice President Kamala Harris said after her meeting with the war criminal? Notice too that she didn't attend his speech to Congress.

Granted, it wasn't as direct and forceful as we who desire true peace (and not war and genocide) between Israel and Palestine would have wanted, but I think it definitely was a start. Somewhat of a break with President Biden as well.

You saw how much it upset Netanyahu and his puppet Trump.
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I would be upset as well when I have a meeting with someone who says one thing and then comes out and says another. Don't say I stand with you and then turn around and stab me in the back. Harris is not even close to ready for prime time.
None of this is true.

Vice President Harris told Netanyahu exactly what she then came out and said publicly. That is why you saw the reaction by Netanyahu when he flew down to meet with his puppet. Netanyahu is desperately wanting Trump to be elected because he knows Harris isn't going to condone his bs. And that is exactly what Harris told him behind closed doors.

The hard right in Israel is running out of time. Harris made that clear privately and publicly and everything Netanyahu did afterwards showcased this.
I'm curious Dan, did you appreciate what Vice President Kamala Harris said after her meeting with the war criminal?

Granted, it wasn't as direct and forceful as we who desire true peace (and not war and genocide) between Israel and Palestine would have wanted, but I think it definitely was a start. Somewhat of a break with President Biden as well.

You saw how much it upset Netanyahu and his puppet Trump.
What a coupla cryin little bitches you two pansies are.
Do you even know what we are talking about?

Maybe you and Dan need to fire up yer hookah to ease yer pain. Light some candles for yer brethren, figure out yer next plan of attack. 🤣

Maybe you and Dan need to fire up yer hookah to ease yer pain. Light some candles for yer brethren, figure out yer next plan of attack. 🤣

Ok and?

Why do you think my "brethren" is this Hamas leader?

Also, do you think this killing does anything to help bring peace between Israel and Palestine? What about Iran? This happened in Iran.

Do you "now" support political assassinations?
More like Dresden or Hiroshima/Nagasaki. Basically, kill them until they get tired of dying. It’s what happened in the American Revolution, the War between the States, and WW2. It’s what didn’t happen in WW1, Korea, Vietnam, and the GWOT. If the Terrorstinians want to fight to the last man, then so be it.

USA’s role should be to keep arming the Jews.
This is the way.
So how would you accomplish this? Nuclear weapons?

Does your "total annihilation of Iran" and "giant scorched earth" include killing all the children in Iran too?
What is your solution to a regime that is causing all the trouble in the Middle East? Sit back and do nothing?
Whether you want to admit it or not the Iran regime is the problem and they will not stop until they are eliminated. Even if they are successful in removing Israel from existence and taken over the entire Middle East they will continue their quest to take over the world.
Considering that “ceasefire” is moslem/arabic for “let us regroup and rebuild so we can kill you later”, only a complete idiot would favor a ceasefire. Ya know, like the ceasefire that was in place on October 6.

Well, we could always go the tariff & embargo of those Palestinian cars & trucks, electronics, agricultural products and aircraft/parts to the rest of the world. Then the dems could implement gun control measures as the icing on the cake.
So how would you accomplish this? Nuclear weapons?

Does your "total annihilation of Iran" and "giant scorched earth" include killing all the children in Iran too?
Not all thoughts need to be verbalized or reduced to written. Brevity is the soul of wit. "But it looks good on you though"