How dare Chris Wallace

She can't stay on topic. We went from talking about immigration to now Russia to then nuclear weapons. If she would just stay on topic she'd destroy him and I'm saying that and I can't stand her. Get back to the leaks and Russia, why didn't Chris Wallace step in and say that no agency has actually come out and say they have proof that Russia is to blame. They might think it but they don't have any proof.

Kind of calmed down now. I may go watch the baseball game.
... is it just me or is the Donald missing EVERY chance to hit her, not using a single fact, and constantly saying 'I didn't say' when clearly he did in every instance? Does he not think the inetrnet exists when he says he did or didn't do or say something? At least delete your 5 year old tweets if you are going to lie about something.

He could have nailed her on wiki, nailed her on closed borders, slayed her on guns, grilled her more on Supreme Court... but no he just wants to keep lying about Putin and saying his new immigration policy is 'we will get to it when the time comes.'

I keep getting back to the SAME thing - Big league ideas, bush league execution.
Oooo that was his first REAL good one... going from his sex scandals to the video about the violence at his rallies.

And she comes back with he said his attackers weren't pretty enough for him.

Wow, I think the barometric pressure in there just dropped about 500 points from everyone sucking in.
He's a horrible debater, but quite honestly the R's haven't had a good debater since Ronnie. A boob like Hannity could have destroyed her if that tells you just how bad he is that a moron like Hannity could do a better job. It saddens me that either one will represent me on foreign soil.
I thought Romney wasn't awful MOST of the time. McCain was just too straight forward (even though he was right, usually) and Dole was like trying to get spanked by your grandpa when he is too gimp to catch you.
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If Trump would have just kept his mouth shut Wallace was going to make her answer the question on pay to play or look bad, but Trump had to butt in and let her off the hook.
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Found myself so many times wishing I could speak for him.

Sooo many opportunities. So few taken.

Agree. This type of 'structured' debate not his ideal format.

But the Wikileaks information is going to keep flowing out, day-after-day. She's receiving death by 1000 cuts.

Nobody is going to remember this debate a week from now.
Agree. This type of 'structured' debate not his ideal format.

But the Wikileaks information is going to keep flowing out, day-after-day. She's receiving death by 1000 cuts.

Nobody is going to remember this debate a week from now.

I've already forgotten about this debate. It was a draw in my opinion and that benefits teletubby.
Is this the first time that a Republican won the abortion issue question in a debate? I can't think of anyone who has. Usually conservatives cower when that question comes up, but he did a good job. Now this is the probably the first time partial-birth was mentioned, and you can thank Chris Wallace for that, but she had no answer for it and her drivel was just that, drivel.
Is this the first time that a Republican won the abortion issue question in a debate? I can't think of anyone who has. Usually conservatives cower when that question comes up, but he did a good job. Now this is the probably the first time partial-birth was mentioned, and you can thank Chris Wallace for that, but she had no answer for it and her drivel was just that, drivel.
But she has talked to a few women.... I have to watch out for toddlers getting my guns but no worries about killing a kid a few days before a date a doctor just kinda guesses at anyways. I tell you that party is sick on this stance.

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