House Liberals Going To Probe Trump For Being Mean To The Mediathe whore politicians

Watching the dims go over the edge of the cliff like wile e coyote is going to be great entertainment
the next couple of years; sadly, they'll do anything to get bad orange man, with absolutely no regard
for the damage done to the country because they don't give a shit about anything but power.
Watching the dims go over the edge of the cliff like wile e coyote is going to be great entertainment
the next couple of years; sadly, they'll do anything to get bad orange man, with absolutely no regard
for the damage done to the country because they don't give a shit about anything but power.
When the Shit Hits The Fan the politicians who brought about the destruction of the country through their actions and inactions will be deserving of tarring and feathering even when ensconced behind the walls of their secluded abodes. Walls they want for their protection but not for ours.