Horsie & Dems continue to remind us of their Ignorance

AOC was seen eating dinner last week with her Chief of Staff. He was eating---wait for it---a hamburger sourced from a farting cow which gave its all. AOC said nothing about her employee's wanton breach of her Green New Deal. But, she did complain about being stalked.

She brings all this on herself by being stupid.
AOC was seen eating dinner last week with her Chief of Staff. He was eating---wait for it---a hamburger sourced from a farting cow which gave its all. AOC said nothing about her employee's wanton breach of her Green New Deal. But, she did complain about being stalked.

She brings all this on herself by being stupid.
Would love to see the left's reaction if a mob of folks harassed her out of a few restaurants.
The title of this thread is an insult and needs to be changed. It’s slanderous, inaccurate, and demeaning for horses to be compared to AOC.

Don't know CBrad and can't speak for him, but methinks he screwed the pooch re:title. Prolly Horse's Ass would have played better in Peoria, or IMHO, Horse's Ass Dumb Bitch...........
AOC was seen eating dinner last week with her Chief of Staff. He was eating---wait for it---a hamburger sourced from a farting cow which gave its all. AOC said nothing about her employee's wanton breach of her Green New Deal. But, she did complain about being stalked.

She brings all this on herself by being stupid.

hamburger sourced from a farting cow

epic laughs