Hooker, OK and Panhandle


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 21, 2005
Any good pheasant hunting out there? I have a buddy that want to go out there for a couple days. They have public land to hunt on? How are they this year?
I hope I didn't come off like a Holder...this post would've been buried over there!
wow, I've hunted with a few guys who shoot that bad....

that really is bad for your area. Hope you all get some good soaker rains soon. The wheat some places out west is struggling to get up and stay up.
We're so far behind it will likely take a few years for us to catch up. At least two for pheasant and quail. The ground will be ok. Rain always makes grass and we have plenty of sprays to help knock down unwanted weeds. The wildlife just take a long time to come back. I have 20,000 acres in the Panhandle and haven't hunted in 2 years :-( Dove were around but I wasn't.
Panhndlepoke, One of the more interesting stories I remember is of the bear out your way a few yrs ago. Blows my mind that one could hide out in the panhandle! Hope all is going well for you and yours. Still got the cattle and hogs biz?
Yeah the porcine and bovine business has been kind to my family. We're in the process of expanding our hog operation while we have shrunk our cattle feeding operations. Just need about 30 inches of rain or so to make me happy.
Originally posted by panhndlpoke:
We're so far behind it will likely take a few years for us to catch up. At least two for pheasant and quail. The ground will be ok. Rain always makes grass and we have plenty of sprays to help knock down unwanted weeds. The wildlife just take a long time to come back. I have 20,000 acres in the Panhandle and haven't hunted in 2 years :-( Dove were around but I wasn't.
I spent parts of a year+ working oil fields around Four Corners and Keyes and it's just hard to relate to how dry it gets / stays out there until you've seen it first hand. Beaver Co not as bad but I don't think I saw water in a pond the whole time I went out there. Good luck ! !

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