If (and I know it is a long shot) the US were do divide and it was over party lines would you move? Or would you want to stay to continue to "destroy" the American way. (depending on how you think the American way is/should be)?
It's not living where you are comfortable and society around you is as you like .. it's beating your opponent to submission so they have to live as you like.
If I were on the 'wrong' side of the line; yes, I'd move.If (and I know it is a long shot) the US were do divide and it was over party lines would you move? Or would you want to stay to continue to "destroy" the American way. (depending on how you think the American way is/should be)?
I don't even know what the **** you are talking about .. My observation was not practical but as I see.Mmmkay...Hitlerian philosophy is practical to you, huh?
You mean if the Civil War were fought again which side would I be with?If (and I know it is a long shot) the US were do divide and it was over party lines would you move? Or would you want to stay to continue to "destroy" the American way. (depending on how you think the American way is/should be)?
You mean if the Civil War were fought again which side would I be with?
Sam Houston
"To secede from the Union and set up another government would cause war.
“If you go to war with the United States, you will never conquer her, as she has the money and the men. If she does not whip you by guns, powder, and steel, she will starve you to death. It will take the flower of the country — the young men.
"In the name of the Constitution of Texas, which has been trampled upon, I refuse to take this oath. I love Texas too well to bring civil strife and bloodshed upon her."—Sam Houston
And this is the second time you have brought up a war. I guess you want one? Why are you not just answering an honest question that has nothing to do with war?
Do you understand just how strange your OP is in the first place? You’re essentially presenting the idea of a civil war based on politics, sooooo....
I don’t understand your question. Could you please rephrase it?And this is the second time you have brought up a war. I guess you want one? Why are you not just answering an honest question that has nothing to do with war?
Wrong. I am asking a question about where you might want to live. Do you want to live in Africa, Russia, or maybe Canada? Why is that trying to start a war? I am asking if the US was separated would you move from your current situation?
I don’t understand your question. Could you please rephrase it?
Sure... If you do not like where you live would you move? Lets say that the homeowners association went crazy and wanted you to live by things that you did not agree with would you move to another neighborhood?
@CSCOTTOSUPOKES Is this a better question for you?
Got it.Sure... If you do not like where you live would you move? Lets say that the homeowners association went crazy and wanted you to live by things that you did not agree with would you move to another neighborhood?
No, because if a homeowners association enacted a rule based on politics, it would be tossed out in a court of law. Pretty simple.
Got it.
I love where I live, both the city (where I was born) and our neighborhood.
We don’t have a neighborhood association. So there are no regulations I’m unhappy with.
How about if I can answer honestly.. I have lived in a HOA that went a bit crazy and I moved because I did not agree... I have never lived in a liberal state but I have disagreed with some of its policies. If Texas/Oklahoma ever became a "crazy HOA" I would move to the best place that I could.
I highly doubt that @CSCOTTOSUPOKES would move back to Oklahoma when you live around like minded people. I highly doubt that @CowboyUp would stay in Austin if it became a conservative city and you were not around like minded people. Am I wrong and why is that such a difficult thing to answer? I just was interested to see what everyone might do if things changes. You guys need to quit being so freaking crazy.. Mental issue much?
I lived in Washington state for a few years, but I disagree with their new gun laws. Wouldn’t have made me up and leave...I’d likely still be there, legal, taxable pot and all...
Don’t fault the founding fathers for much, but what they never could have envisioned was the ultimate exodus from a majority agrarian lifestyle to mega cities that literally run states with their voting blocks, the rural populations be damned. Voting blocks that more and more resemble beggars camps as the high tax paying citizens flee instead of continuing to be abused by governments that can’t throw a ball in water from a ship.
Where I think you find the most open thinkers, on either side is in places where there is still a high value placed on self reliance and not the government owes me a living. The Green stuff is just a masquerade for stealing more money, but in general it denotes a greater reliance on the government to steal tax dollars and “do the right thing.” Which we know is an oxymoron.
The press has herded the poor, entitlement seeking, non-educated and ill informed into a pen that as it gets larger the discontent rises more, and they feed that discontent with lies and promises that are neither wetted in truth or reality. You watch, won’t be long before reparations are not a talking point again. Gotta keep stirring the discontent by any means.
The media crucifies anyone willing to work a compromise not based on their summation of what that compromise should be. The politicians are the best paid whores in the world and want to stay elected and continue to garner the adulation they so crave for existence. It’s getting ready to get much worse now, which is one of the reasons I think the stock market is all over the place.
We’ll eventually have to Balkanize, which in some cases has already happened with some states doing what they want on certain issues. For instance Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Louisiana and Arkansas have very little in common with the Yankees in the NE. We’re (TOKLA) not perfect but we also don’t believe in taxing everything to the hilt of the knife in taxpayers backs either. I’m in Australia again on business and the gang out of power now thinks that new taxes are the answer, same old song and dance. Then they get in power and can’t accomplish a thing.....like a very long term wack-a-mole game.
Until a large group of children grow up and stand on principle re-election be damned we are going to be in a world of hurt. The only bright spot I see now is that the members in the dem/lib party are going to be stepping all over each other’s heads to “get what they want” which is going to look awful, plus the press is going to have to pick a “side” out of a number of options and they will take even more hits. Lastly all the crazy talk about impeachmening Trump, indicting Trump etc etc is really going to hurt the dem/libs.
The system will change for the better, in my opinion, when all the old congressional codgers and codgerette whores die off and a huge new infusion of blood is introduced.
I had no idea that you had some medical issues. Sorry and I hope you are doing better.
What is wrong with the Washington gun laws though? I thought you bought one when you were there..??
Great question(s).How about if I can answer honestly.. I have lived in a HOA that went a bit crazy and I moved because I did not agree... I have never lived in a liberal state but I have disagreed with some of its policies. If Texas/Oklahoma ever became a "crazy HOA" I would move to the best place that I could.
I highly doubt that @CSCOTTOSUPOKES would move back to Oklahoma when you live around like minded people. I highly doubt that @CowboyUp would stay in Austin if it became a conservative city and you were not around like minded people. Am I wrong and why is that such a difficult thing to answer? I just was interested to see what everyone might do if things changes. You guys need to quit being so freaking crazy.. Mental issue much?
Thanks. I got MRSA on my left hand (I’m left-handed), not a small case of it either haha....was in the hospital 6 days, then outpatient port infusion antibiotics for a month after that, plus physical therapy. Was out of work over a month and a half (was working 2 jobs), got evicted, car blew up during the wildfire season...perfect storm of shit haha.
I bought a pistol up there in 2016/2017. Their new gun laws require all guns locked or in a safe, and no assault rifles under 21. NRA lawsuits have been in the works.
That MRSA stuff is some bad shit. I sure wish the EPA would really give consideration so some of the stuff that Europe uses.. it will save some lives once they do..
I do not understand what your dislike of the gun laws. Do you not like safes or is it the below 21 for "assault" rifles?
Great question(s).
I pretty sure I could be happy living in any of the 50 states.
Austin has hundreds of thousands of conservatives, many of them Trump voters. Oklahoma City has many progressives, minorities, Native Americans, LBGTers—-thousands upon thousands of citizens who are closer to my world views than many of our conservative friends in Austin and the Texas Hill Country. Is OKC a conservative city? Sure. Could I be happy there? Absolutely.
Is Austin a blue city politically? Absolutely and I wouldn’t leave here if I didn’t have to.
The town where I grew up in the Texas panhandle (Pop 10,000) generally Votes 85-15 Republican. In 2000 it went Bush 92-8. Still—if 5,000 vote, 750 are Democrats.
I don’t have a problem with gun safes...but in a home invasion I want my weapon at arms length cocked locked and ready to rock, not locked up in a safe or having to mess with a trigger lock.
Wow windriver and ct—your lives as victims—especially if you live in a rural area—must be terribly shitty.One of the most thought provoking post I have seen in a long time...
Wow windriver and ct—your lives as victims—especially if you live in a rural area—must be terribly shitty.
Has our government taken your guns?
Has your right to vote been taken away?
Are you taxed more than the rest of us?
Do you drive on public roads ?
Do your kids go to public schools?
Do you have access to a hospital?
Any airports nearby? Lakes? Harbors? Parks? Freight trains? School buses?
Has the food at your grocery store been inspected and dated?
What about restaurants where you live—does the health dept inspect so you and your kids don’t get food poisoning?
Do the police show up if you call for help?
Any military veterans living happily in your communities?
What about food stamps?
Anybody homeless or starving to death in your town?
Please—Remind us again how the Big Bad Federal government is ripping you poor victims off...Maybe you should move to another country so you’re not so violated?
Must be hell...
Wow windriver and ct—your lives as victims—especially if you live in a rural area—must be terribly shitty.
Has our government taken your guns?
Has your right to vote been taken away?
Are you taxed more than the rest of us?
Do you drive on public roads ?
Do your kids go to public schools?
Do you have access to a hospital?
Any airports nearby? Lakes? Harbors? Parks? Freight trains? School buses?
Has the food at your grocery store been inspected and dated?
What about restaurants where you live—does the health dept inspect so you and your kids don’t get food poisoning?
Do the police show up if you call for help?
Any military veterans living happily in your communities?
What about food stamps?
Anybody homeless or starving to death in your town?
Please—Remind us again how the Big Bad Federal government is ripping you poor victims off...Maybe you should move to another country so you’re not so violated?
Must be hell...
I lived in Washington state for a few years, but I disagree with their new gun laws. Wouldn’t have made me up and leave...I’d likely still be there, legal, taxable pot and all...
How about we start with the first 2.
1. No, but the government is trying to by trying to limit my 2nd amendment rights.
Do you own a gun? Do you think I am entitled to?
2. Yes. When illegals are allowed to vote my voting rights have been taken away. For every illegal one legal has been rejected.
Ct and wr—in your small towns do you still vote for a mayor or school board member who advises over your local radio station to “grab women by the pussy” and asks your 7 yr olds if they still believe in Santa?
Mayor and School board or just President?
Just curious but what were you doing while in Washington...Jobwise?