On the day this hire was announced we all knew this is what we were in for.
Even the most positive of our fans knew this was going to be dicey. Why on earth did he go so cheap and make this hire? Were we strapped for cash? I keep hearing that tickets are sold for the games but nobody comes. People not buying beer , hot
Dogs , and shirts must negatively impact our operating expenses some how. We are another bad hire away from a full 20 years of low mediocre to bad basketball.
Even the most positive of our fans knew this was going to be dicey. Why on earth did he go so cheap and make this hire? Were we strapped for cash? I keep hearing that tickets are sold for the games but nobody comes. People not buying beer , hot
Dogs , and shirts must negatively impact our operating expenses some how. We are another bad hire away from a full 20 years of low mediocre to bad basketball.