Home garden for organic vegetables and fruits


Dec 9, 2007
My wife and I are considering starting a home garden to grow our own fruits and veggies. We live in the burbs, so it's going to be small. I know some of you do this, would you mind lending some advice for a newb?

We live in Tulsa, to give an idea of climate.
Use raised beds, you can build them with landscaping timbers. I'm about to build some new ones and have decided to use aluminum flashing for the middle sections, rather than fully out of wood. Build a bottom and top rail with landscaping timbers running horizontally. Hold those together with some treated 2" x 4"s on the sides running vertically (leave an inch at the bottom so you can weed whack) , with a 10" aluminum center screwed between top and bottom timbers on the inside. This will result in about a 14" inch raised bed. If possible, you will want to run a rototiller on the ground where you will build your beds, to a depth of 12 to 16 inches then add your new garden soil on top.

PS: Your local Lowes and Home Depot will put landscape timbers on sale at half price in the next couple of weeks, it's something they have done like clockwork for years now. What is normally $4.50 to $5 will be half that.

The overall dimensions should be about 4 ft wide, so you can access plants from either side, and as long as is practical. I put about 3 ft between each planter for access and mowing. I also use a good quality garden fabric to suppress weed/grass growth. It's important to use a really good quality one, some of the cheaper ones just don't do the job.

I did something this last year as an experiment and it worked well. I actually bought a bunch of 2 gallon buckets at the local dollar store and cut the bottom 2 inches out of them. I then dug a hole and buried them in the garden soil, leaving about 1" of the top lip of the bucket sticking up out of the soil, and then planted my tomatoes and peppers inside the buckets filling with fresh, new amended soils (recipe below). That way, I didn't have to water the entire garden area, but just could fill that 1" section at the top of the bucket, knowing that all the water would flow down into the roots and not just spread to areas where it did no good. I probably cut my water usage by 2/3rds on that part of the garden. (couldn't do that with my melon, cucumber, carrot and onion/leek crops.)

If you want to go organic, I recommend the following soil amendments (i build my own soils) - crushed lump granular charcoal (found a source for a 50 lb bag of 1/4" size @ Humphrey charcoal at a price about $100 less than garden places want for it), worm castings -check Craigslist for local, but available on Amazon and Ebay, coconut coir (purchase in compressed bricks and reconstitute by adding water - WalMart is a good source), zeolite -best, purest and cheapest source is PDZ stall freshener (available at farm supply stores) in granulated form - it acts a bit like perlite to prevent soil from clumping together and depriving roots of oxygen, as well as a good commercial top soil/garden mix. One additional element that works great with tomatoes, peppers and most other vegetable and fruit crops (strawberries) is an ancient fungi called mycorrhizae. You don't need a whole lot of it, and you can get a decent size bag of it on amazon or ebay for around $10 total.

You will need to "inoculate" the charcoal, the coconut coir and the zeolite. This is just a method of introducing all that good organic bacteria and fungi into the soil you will build. You do this, by putting them in a suitable container (wheelbarrow works well) and then making a worm "tea." In a 5 gallon bucket, put about 1/2 lb of the worm castings, a couple of tablespoons of unsulphured molasses, 3-4 gallons of warm rain water (75-110 F) (or if you use city/tap water you need to let it sit out at least 12 hrs or so for the chlorine/chloramine to leach into the air), and about a 1/8 cup of the mychorrhizae. Use a drill mounted paint mixing paddle or similar and work that solution for a good 10 or 15 mins, let it sit and come back to it every 20 minutes until you've worked it a couple of hours. The paddle that is used should be designed to introduce as much oxygen into the mix as possible. The beneficial bacteria and fungi along with humic acid and other beneficial elements in the worm castings will actually reproduce and create more bang for your buck, compared to simply adding it directly to your soil. (The molasses is their food source and those little buggers reproduce rapidly in a warm, wet environment with something to eat.)

The beneficial bacteria and fungi are often killed or damaged by the presence of chlorine. So, I recommend catching as much rain water as possible to water your plants, and if not possible, to fill a large bucket with tap water and let it sit overnight so the chlorine dissipates. Rain water is best for making your worm tea.

Then reserve some of that tea for dipping the roots of your plants in, just as you put them in the ground. But, it has to be kept oxygenated or it will grow the nasty types of bacteria - you don't want. Almost every beneficial (probiotic) bacteria and fungi you want grows in an oxygen rich environment.

Take about 2 lbs of the charcoal and zeolite and add some of your liquid tea mix to them. Both actually have a massive amount of surface area for their size and the beneficial bacteria and fungi will find a home inside those nooks and crannies and start multiplying. If you skip this step, it will take a few years for the good bacteria to find their way inside and that kind of defeats the purpose. You will also want to add some of this "tea", along with non-chlorine water to the coconut coir when you reconstitute it. You don't want to drown the charcoal and zeolite, but there should be enough liquid that you can be certain that some of the tea comes into contact with them. You will probably want to use the tea for about 1/4 of the water required to reconstitute the coconut coir.

Now mix together in the following amounts. 5% charcoal, 5-10% zeolite, 20% reconstituted coconut coir, 5% worm castings and the rest the quality top soil with a little of the native soil, your circumstances may require small variations of that theme. If you're growing blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, etc., you will likely want to add some acidified cotton burr to the mix as well, probably 20%. The only brand worth buying is Back to Nature which is made in Texas. The "box store" brands of cotton burr are usually crap for the most part. BTW, it never hurts to add cotton burr compost to your other soil blend as a substitute for coconut coir or as an additional element. My native soil here outside OKC is just nearly pure red clay and I can only use it as about 5% of any mix I make, as it has virtually no organic material in it, the rest I have to use as fill dirt.

After I started making the worm "tea" and using the charcoal, coconut coir, and building my own soils, my output increased by about 40-50% in pure yield numbers, and the tomatoes were much larger than in previous years . The plants themselves grew larger and were more vibrant with larger stalks and put out lots more flowers/veggies than before. Varieties of tomatoes that produced 2" to 3" fruit before, now typically get to around 4" and often larger now.

There's a recommended place out near Bixby which has a big spring sale on heirloom tomato plants, decent prices and huge selection. They have a facebook page called "The Tomato Man's Daughter." I just checked and they have worm castings as well, I prefer to source worm castings locally as there's almost always viable worm eggs and often small worms in fresh worm castings. That also helps tremendously to add some oomph to your soil/garden.

I am planning to use a probiotic product to spray the plants about every 5 days. The probiotic bacteria are approved for human consumption as a dietary supplement and the clean the leaves (increasing photosynthesis) and also they excrete CO2 directly into the leaves stoma/stomata cells, kind of like supercharging a car. This will be my first year using this product, but I already know the test results when used on some of the more popular green and leafy products that are often grown in secret.

BTW, making a good worm tea (no mychorrazae) as a fertilizer every couple of weeks is also a recommended practice. I will typically add a bit of commercial organic fertilizer 1/2 cup to the tea mix (espoma and Jobes both make organics and are readily available) to make sure its complete. It has pretty much everything you need and will keep your soil and roots in good condition. Just avoid watering with tap water and it's hard to screw up your soil chemistry. It's really all the microorganisms in your soil that handle the exchange and uptake of nutrients to your plant and you will be adding and maintaining all the beneficial ones necessary to max out your soil's potential.

It took me five years to learn, experiment and somewhat perfect my methods, so you just got a valuable lesson that should allow you to hit the ground running.

Now, I'm turning my attention to hydroponics and hope to build at least one vertical stacking hydroponic set up, probably to grow lettuce (romaine) and napa cabbage with some herbs to try out this summer. I will also be putting in lots of blueberries, blackberries and climbing strawberry vines around the perimeter of my lawn to take advantage of the fence for encouraging those plants grown best on a trellis set-up. Likely won't get any fruit from those this summer (save for the strawberries) but they should really produce next summer.
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BTW, if you do the "bucket" thing, you really only have to mix up enough of the soil mix to fill the bucket. Given that you want to plant Tomatoes about 36" apart anyway, it can save one hell of a lot of money, rather than trying to fill up entire planter with "engineered" soils. Just use a decent quality top soil to fill up the remaining space in the garden.

Then next year, you pull the plants out in the fall and dump that soil from the bucket into the remaining portion of your planter and spread it out with a rake. After a few years of repeating that process, virtually all of the soil in your planter will have been converted into high performing soil loaded with the probiotic bacteria and fungi that enhances growth. This also means the need to annually fertilize and maintain it will be minimized.
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Very Nice!

That's exactly how I was planning to do my new beds, with the metal in the middle, just not quite as tall. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to come up with any scrap corrugated metal, so I decided that a 50 ft roll of 10"-12" aluminum flashing isn't going to break the bank and it will never corrode (so long as you use the right screws to fasten it.)

Like you, I don't see any sense in putting in a bottom, but I do till down to loosen the ground below before placing the planters on top.

One thing I forgot to mention about my "bucket" approach to tomatoes, the buckets themselves really provide good a good base for holding a tomato cage in place. I'm also experimenting with trellising all my cucumbers and smaller melons this year, while leaving those big 15+ lb'rs on the ground.
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Thanks for taking time to bring me up to speed. My wife and I are trying to move the family in a better direction, and I think this is a good step. There's so many things in your post that would have taken months and or years to learn, so again I say thank you. Im going to be re-reading this info multiple times over the next few days, as it's pretty information rich.
We're in the 61st/Lewis area, north of Sou. Hills. Can you say heavily-wooded with many squirrels? If you're in a similar part of Tulsa, you'll need bird netting to keep the darned things out of tomatoes.
I've never really had a problem with birds. And I live right across the street by a 1.5 mile x 1.5 mile "nature preserve" of sorts loaded with Deer, Possums, Squirrels, Coyotes, Turkeys, Roadrunners and a few hundred thousand birds of all varieties - used to have a nesting pair of Hawks who set up about 100 ft from my house, but haven't seen them lately.

I even have 3 bird feeders set up not 20-30 feet from my garden.

Perhaps the ones that would go after the tomatoes would rather eat the bird seed and suet bars I set out?
I've never really had a problem with birds. And I live right across the street by a 1.5 mile x 1.5 mile "nature preserve" of sorts loaded with Deer, Possums, Squirrels, Coyotes, Turkeys, Roadrunners and a few hundred thousand birds of all varieties - used to have a nesting pair of Hawks who set up about 100 ft from my house, but haven't seen them lately.

I even have 3 bird feeders set up not 20-30 feet from my garden.

Perhaps the ones that would go after the tomatoes would rather eat the bird seed and suet bars I set out?

I was referring to squirrels, not birds. Our bird feeder is very close to my garden, but I don't have any problems with 'em.
Sorry about that, I saw "bird netting" and thought birds, not squirrels.

But, I can also say that I have squirrels running all over the place and I've never had them get into my tomatoes, strawberries or other plants. Perhaps that's because I have a huge pecan tree in the back yard and they enjoy the buffet from there? (I know they have a stash of buried pecans that they've lifted from my tree and yard, just about 10 yds away from my property.)
Sorry about that, I saw "bird netting" and thought birds, not squirrels.

But, I can also say that I have squirrels running all over the place and I've never had them get into my tomatoes, strawberries or other plants. Perhaps that's because I have a huge pecan tree in the back yard and they enjoy the buffet from there? (I know they have a stash of buried pecans that they've lifted from my tree and yard, just about 10 yds away from my property.)

Our next door neighbor has a pecan tree, and we keep the bird feeder filled. I have no idea why there's a problem, but I know the little bastages will go after my tomatoes at some point, so it's easier to net the whole area.
We need to get peoples' garden setup pics in this thread. Will try to remember to take a pic of mine when I get home.
In another 2 weeks or so, I should have my garden in. Last year, it rained so much I couldn't get it in until the first week of June. This year: Strawberries, blackberries, tomatoes (mainly heirlooms), peppers (about 12 varieties of bell and non-bells), cucumbers, leeks, carrots, and 5 or 6 types of watermelon and 4 types of "cantaloupe" type melons. The guy and his wife, Sunrise Acres in Blanchard, who I buy most of my plants from, won't have tomatoes and peppers ready for another two weeks, so I can prep the garden, get my bucket's in place, but will have to wait to put the plants in the ground. They used to sell at OSU Farmer's Mkt in OKC, but their facility has gotten so large they do better being there and selling on Saturdays than making the run into OKC. For anyone interested they have a list of all the varietals they will have available on their website.

If I can get my planned raised beds across my fence line up, I want to get a variety of blueberries, raspberries and additional black berries planted in a row about 30 to 40 ft long about 2 ft wide and 2 ft deep. I also have 3 dedicated planters for my strawberries and I want to expand that to two more.

The new for this year berries, I know will not bear fruit this year, but I should get quite a bit of growth out of them and they should be in good shape for next year.
We need to get peoples' garden setup pics in this thread. Will try to remember to take a pic of mine when I get home.

Not quite done yet but just something I threw together last minute.
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Built this last weekend. Gonna add more to it over time, prob throw in a couple squash and cucumber archways. We had more cucumbers than we knew what to do with last year.

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It's something I'm kind of surprised more people aren't doing. The flavor of the fruits and veggies I I get out of my garden is almost always night/day with the stuff you can buy in the supermarket, and the savings are substantial. With all the "Foodies" out there, a home garden is the way to go because it just tastes so much better.

I can buy a tomato plant, that will typically yield at least 10 - 20 lbs of fruit, for half the price of what I would pay for 1 lb of heirloom tomatoes at the OSU Farmer's Mkt in OKC. Considering that I will plant 24 full size heirlooms and about 6 smaller "container" sized plants (cherry tomato type size), I will have all I can eat and then some. My sister lives next door and I always have plenty for her and the rest of the neighbors.

My neighbor 3 doors down is married to a Vietnamese woman and her mother is a professional chef. So, keeping them in tomatoes and peppers pays big dividends as their is always a little quid pro quo action that results in us getting plate after plate of world class Vietnamese food. I'm even thinking that this year, I may try my hand at selling some of what I produce at the local MWC Farmer's mkt, checking into the requirements for that now. I'm sure I could sell enough to recoup whatever out of pocket I will have invested in the garden at least.

I also built a little container holder on my front porch that holds about a dozen small planters that I grow my herbs in and have a few larger clay pots solely for mint. (Trust me, you NEVER want to plant mint in your garden, always in a container. Otherwise it will take over and you'll never stop it from encroaching on your other plants.)

I collect rain water and am actually upgrading that system this year to get about 3X - 4X more water than I did last year. This helps cut down on water bill and the rain water is much better at keeping the soil's probiotic and beneficial microbials alive and thriving = better yields.
Built this last weekend. Gonna add more to it over time, prob throw in a couple squash and cucumber archways. We had more cucumbers than we knew what to do with last year.


Just a suggestion, go out to the fence perimeter and plant some okra. As someone who was raised on "fried", I can't tell you how good it is grilled with seasoning. Don't know what type/if any peppers you grow, but I grow "unusual" that I get from an old hippie type at Jenks Herbfest: recommend Aji Dulce (no heat habanero look/taste), Brazilian Orchid (sweet), Jimmy Nardello (sweet Italian heirloom), and chervena chushka (sweet Bulgarian heirloom)/great stuffing pepper. Also grew "ghost peppers" last year, but be very, very, careful.:eek:
In another 2 weeks or so, I should have my garden in. Last year, it rained so much I couldn't get it in until the first week of June. This year: Strawberries, blackberries, tomatoes (mainly heirlooms), peppers (about 12 varieties of bell and non-bells), cucumbers, leeks, carrots, and 5 or 6 types of watermelon and 4 types of "cantaloupe" type melons. The guy and his wife, Sunrise Acres in Blanchard, who I buy most of my plants from, won't have tomatoes and peppers ready for another two weeks, so I can prep the garden, get my bucket's in place, but will have to wait to put the plants in the ground. They used to sell at OSU Farmer's Mkt in OKC, but their facility has gotten so large they do better being there and selling on Saturdays than making the run into OKC. For anyone interested they have a list of all the varietals they will have available on their website.

If I can get my planned raised beds across my fence line up, I want to get a variety of blueberries, raspberries and additional black berries planted in a row about 30 to 40 ft long about 2 ft wide and 2 ft deep. I also have 3 dedicated planters for my strawberries and I want to expand that to two more.

The new for this year berries, I know will not bear fruit this year, but I should get quite a bit of growth out of them and they should be in good shape for next year.
I'd like to put a short row of blackberries or raspberries in. I cleared a 15'x3' space that runs along my driveway, with the driveway on one side and a picket fence that separates a garden bed. Full sun. Any tips?

Here's a pretty good source of solid information.

You may be able to find other information like this more specific to the growing region/zone you're in.

I do know that most berries tend to like "acidic" soil, so you will probably need to get a soil ph tester to make certain you've got your soil in the "sweet spot." I also know that there's some berry species that you can't plant too close together. And lastly, I know that several of the varieties are subject to fungus so you have to be careful to remove old/dead branches (canes) and leaves asap.

You could probably use the picket fence to form part of the support structure you will need to build some trellises to support the plants as they grow. But you could always use some T-Posts to build a solid trellis. There's lots of designs out there for a number of trellis alternatives, you may want to search and look at the options to find one best suited for your purposes.
Lasagna gardening is second-nature to me. There's nothing to it and is really the only way to go, imo. All the other gardening tricks and plans still apply. My dad was doing it in the 60's and it's very easy and intuitive. It just describes using straw, newspapers or any other compostable materials all over the garden to mulch it and retain moisture in the soil, prevent the growth of weeds and add great organic material to next year's soil.

There are many ways to do it -- anything you can imagine will prolly work. I bale enough wheat straw every other year or so to have plenty for the garden. You can use anything that you have available to you and that will slowly rot in the rain and sun on the ground. City people swear by using several sheets of newspapers because they're available. You still prevent weed germination because the ground is shaded. Pick a calm day, lay the papers out and sprinkle with water until they start to melt into the ground a little so they don't blow away in the wind later. That's a guess on my part, I've never used papers.

Plant your crops and/or set out your plants and then cover the ground with 4-6" of straw to cover the rest of the soil to prevent weed seeds from germinating. All the rest of the benefits just happen naturally.

Best thing, imho, is that you can just about throw your hoe away which is great because I learned in the cotton fields of western Oklahoma a hoe is an instrument of terror and torture which parents gave their kids as birthday presents. My dad used to give me one on my birthday, St. Patrick's Day, every year. Gave me a file to keep it sharp, too. Thanks, dad. "The Settlers" had nothing on us.

As the straw composts itself into the soil, add more to keep weeds at bay. I wish I still had dad's old hammer-mill to run the straw through to chop it up and make it easier to handle and spread. You'll be able to skip the use of most pesticides, water less and less often and in a few years you'll transform your garden soil into rich, black, fertile soil crawling with earthworms.

Earthworms are pretty cool critters. They feed on the rotting straw at the bottom layer of your lasagna and keep the soil aerated. Dad bought them through the mail a gallon at a time and released them in the garden and "fed" them corn meal on the ground every couple of days until they got established where he wanted them.

He also maintained a half dozen or so bee hives for garden and fruit tree pollination and gave a little honey away to friends. I have no desire to mess with bees.
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