Hillary and Bernie recently called Trump out for anti-semitic incidents Trump was right and it was a plot by Dems to make Trump supporters look bad. I wonder if this story makes the evening news like the actual threats did?
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Whew ADL was all over that one huh? Never seen a segment of sissy Mary adults so afraid of a person or administration. The whole dam lot is a bunch of certifiable reprobates.

The good news is this type of hypocritical crap, with the media and press carrying their masters water, will continue to drive more and more moderates (D's & R's) into the Trump camp for 2020.

Sure The Wizard of Portland has some intuitive counterpoint though.
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Convicted felon Bob Creamer's wife:


A congressional spy watcher (from Chicago):

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This is greatness. The lengths these liberals go to is amazing. At some point do we put liberals on the terrorist watch list?

Hopefully Jan 20 2017. if trump gets impeached I hope it is for rigging everything in repubs favor, colluding with the media and being very underhanded in furthering conservative causes. The dems are like the Vietcong. They are determined and willling to do anything to win. It's time to match them.
What a sad and disgusting take by Obama, Bernie, and the rest of the leaders of the liberal left.

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