Hildabeast on Eric Holder & Cory Booker: "I Know, They All Look Alike"


Heisman Winner
Aug 24, 2003
Even with the Trump economy absolutely roaring full-steam ahead, in some ways his number one accomplishment to date is keeping that ghastly wicked biotch from becoming president of the United States.


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Your graph shows that black unemployment spiked to record highs with news of Obama's win in 2008, stayed historically high throughout most of his presidency, and only started coming down toward the end of his second term.

Did you just forget about the Great Recession? That is what President Obama inherited. Trump, meanwhile, inherited a growing economy.

Here are some more graphs for you since you seem to have memory loss as it relates to the Great Recession...



Militant, anti-semitic black panthers on the loose in Georgia as we speak campaigning for the Democrat candidate for governor.

I wonder if Hillary thinks all black panthers look alike, as well?
Did you just forget about the Great Recession? That is what President Obama inherited. Trump, meanwhile, inherited a growing economy.

Here are some more graphs for you since you seem to have memory loss as it relates to the Great Recession...



Recessions come and recessions go, and such will always be the case. But Barrack Hussein Obama allowed the recession to go on for way too long. No other recession in American history lasted for as long as the one he oversaw. The recession was a flame of fire on which he threw the gas of his socialist policies such as Obamacare.
Recessions come and recessions go, and such will always be the case. But Barrack Hussein Obama allowed the recession to go on for way too long. No other recession in American history lasted for as long as the one he oversaw. The recession was a flame of fire on which he threw the gas of his socialist policies such as Obamacare.

You’re an idiot lol
That's your counter? He made a logical point and the best you got is that he's an idiot. Way to bring the heat there Toon.

No, there is no logic to his argument lol. This is what’s called a “bull market”, and it started during Obama. Period.

“Bringing heat” lol
No, there is no logic to his argument lol. This is what’s called a “bull market”, and it started during Obama. Period.

“Bringing heat” lol

Strange. For such a great bull market, we managed to go 7 years without enough growth to even warrant a peep of interest rate hikes. Given the Fed's assistance in dropping rates to ZERO and maintaining them at that level for years, a two year old could have managed a bull market. Yet, it took 8 years and a new president for the Fed to decide that the economy was finally moving enough to start spiking interest rates.
No, there is no logic to his argument lol. This is what’s called a “bull market”, and it started during Obama. Period.

“Bringing heat” lol

It took 8 years after Obama was elected for the Dow to gain over 9,000 points. The Dow gained nearly that same amount in under 2 years after Trump was elected. On March 9, 2009 the Dow went all the way down to 6,547. So, it took over 7 years for the Dow to gain 12,000 points from it's low during the Obama administration. Something must have happened 11/8/2016 for the Dow to spike like that. The current bull market did start under Obama, but it was only after the election when everyone knew we were done with the failed policies of his administration.
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Did you just forget about the Great Recession? That is what President Obama inherited. Trump, meanwhile, inherited a growing economy.

Here are some more graphs for you since you seem to have memory loss as it relates to the Great Recession...



I wonder what this graph would like with 2017 and 2018.
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You would see the trend that started under Obama continuing, just as the second one showed.
I wonder what that chart would look like if the Fed treated Trump like they treated Obama.

Edit, BTW, I'm glad. We need interest rates around 5%. While it will eventually cripple our government if it doesn't get its house in order, its the only way to ensure that money will extend into people's retirements. BTW, Pensions are the casualties for today's low interest rate economic growth. So be sure to thank your local workers who watched their Pensions go up in smoke while electing politicians of both parties whose answer to every stock market downturn was lower interest rates to increase investment. Obama didn't invent it, he just took it to the bottom and never bothered to bring it back.
Increasing interest rates to a balanced and sustainable level is a GOOD thing.
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You would see a huge spike in growth, that was never seen under the previous administration. The Dow could collapse under Trump, but Obama never saw numbers like Trump did in 2017.

Obama led us out of the Great Recession. He inherited an absolute mess in 2009. And by the time he left office, the economy was strong, growing, and headed in the right direction. That is what he left Trump.

You can't deny history or the facts. You may try to, but they remain nevertheless.
Obama led us out of the Great Recession. He inherited an absolute mess in 2009. And by the time he left office, the economy was strong, growing, and headed in the right direction. That is what he left Trump.

You can't deny history or the facts. You may try to, but they remain nevertheless.

Our economy was recovered by the Fed. Obama had nothing to do with it. In fact, if he'd stayed out of the way, it would have likely recovered faster. Unfortunately, his first move in office was immediate regulations of the banking and insurance industry (Dodd-Frank & ObamaCare). Both of which stunted investment which would have been significant in a 0% market.
Obama led us out of the Great Recession. He inherited an absolute mess in 2009. And by the time he left office, the economy was strong, growing, and headed in the right direction. That is what he left Trump.

You can't deny history or the facts. You may try to, but they remain nevertheless.
No one is denying that the economy got better from 2009 to 2017. Since he's left office, the growth has been on steroids. You can try and spin that this is Obama's economy, but it's not.
Our economy was recovered by the Fed.

I don't disagree that there are other influences upon the economy than a President's policies. However, those policies do matter and can help or hurt the economy.

Obama led us out of the Great Recession and left a growing strong economy for Trump. I know it pains Republicans to admit this, but it is the truth.
I don't disagree that there are other influences upon the economy than a President's policies. However, those policies do matter and can help or hurt the economy.

Obama led us out of the Great Recession and left a growing strong economy for Trump. I know it pains Republicans to admit this, but it is the truth.
Cash for Clunkers is what started it all!
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