lulzYou know you've reached rock bottom desperation when you start eating your own.
Perfect example of the differences between Republican men and democrat women. Thank you for that illustration that distinguishes the two.
“If I had to imagine what it would feel like to have a bullet pierce my heart, it would be exactly like the moment I learned Kanye told the world he felt I had used him.
I wouldn’t wish the way I felt last night upon my worst enemy.”
Lol...what an idiot
So is he no longer a "dumb negro" these days?
From everything I can gather, you’re the first person to say “dumb negro” on this board...which is revealing...of you.
Just quoting what CNN personalities called him when he was wearing his red hat. Hence the quotation marks around the comments.
Geez, do I have to explain everything to you dumb crackers? (That's not a quote. That was me.)
Lol...what an idiot
More self-branding: "Stupid"
Here’s Don a little more recently. He’s really on a roll to bolster CNN’s ratings.
You would admire someone who achieved notoriety via doxing and faux outrage lol