Hijab new symbol of feminism.

Why on earth would any sane man want more than one wife.

Without sharia yea that would be terrible. With sharia however I'm running the show.

What's that wife number three? You got something to say? How about a couple of those legal rapes and then we will see how talkative you are.

If white christian men are the enemy then let's stop fighting this and join the religion of peace and live their way.
Why on earth would any sane man want more than one wife.
Because under Sharia law you can beat the shit out of them until they act right. If one acts too crazy and doesn't get in line, all you have to do is claim she cheated and she'll be quickly and efficiently dispatched to the afterlife with that peaceful prophet dude.
Western Civilization celebrates female beauty in art, culture, fashion, etc. Seems to me Muslims seek to hide it so as not to tempt would be rapists or whatever bullshit reason they expouse. Never were two cultures more directly opposite right down to the DNA of things. I wish Muslims would stay away. I don't want them here.
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I can't imagine that liberal fashion designers or cosmetic company owners would embrace Sharia law. But, maybe they have creative ways of making hijabs look fashionable.

Don't you know wearing black in Iraq, Saudi and other ME countries during the summer is painful and BO abounds.
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Still doesn't solve the one critical piece of info needed. What does the package underneath look like?
The fact that feminists would embrace a religion that actively oppresses women in all parts of the world in 2017, is troubling on so many levels.

-- Feminism may have never actually been about gender equality (instead it may have been about deconstructing western society -- considering 80% of the global population is oblivious that "feminism" even exists, and would laugh at it)

-- If a high percentage of western women actually embrace Islam (they may not, the portrayal of large amount of women could be a simple media fabrication) - a legitimate question has to be made as to whether giving women the right to vote was a mistake. (Self destructive tendencies combined with lack of critical thinking is not good)

-- Feminists are the least happy people. Women in general are less happy than ever.

Classic Black Pigeon Speaks video:

The fact that feminists would embrace a religion that actively oppresses women in all parts of the world in 2017, is troubling on so many levels.
It's equally curious they embrace Islam which is all in on eliminating gays and lesbians, one of the liberals' core constituencies.
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The fact that feminists would embrace a religion that actively oppresses women in all parts of the world in 2017, is troubling on so many levels.

-- Feminism may have never actually been about gender equality (instead it may have been about deconstructing western society -- considering 80% of the global population is oblivious that "feminism" even exists, and would laugh at it)

-- If a high percentage of western women actually embrace Islam (they may not, the portrayal of large amount of women could be a simple media fabrication) - a legitimate question has to be made as to whether giving women the right to vote was a mistake. (Self destructive tendencies combined with lack of critical thinking is not good)

-- Feminists are the least happy people. Women in general are less happy than ever.

Classic Black Pigeon Speaks video:

Fascinating video.
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It's definitely baffling, and not easy to get to the root of.

But if you're truly curious about where all these strange, self destructive, seemingly out-of-nowhere cultural diversions came from (i.e. "transphobia") -- I highly suggest you order this book.

The first review on Amazon explains the book very well --- and you'll never easily find the information in one place, which is incredibly well sourced and referenced.
This took me a second but I remember now.

@nzpoke you are being called an antisemite by pilt. He has waited for this moment so how do you address the charges against you?
Some more reviews from Amazon (all five stars):

"a must read for all White people, we need to know who are enemy is"

" can't even. I was originally turned on to this book by my wife's son and, boy, am I sure glad he did. This book is essential reasoning to understand why we must gas the emus and have a bird war as soon as possible. It is also good at generally explaining the nature of modern kayaks." (coded?)

"This book's importance cannot be overstated. This is a very thorough and scholarly look at Jewish influence of the West. As someone who used to roll their eyes whenever anyone mentioned Jews negatively, I can say that this book will change your thinking. I'm a little too jejune to give this book the sort of review it deserves, so I'll just say that you should definitely read it."

"The prose is very dry, but if you can stand a heavy academic work with a plethora of citations (unfortunately, many are parenthetical rather than footnoted) and a lot of references to cultural trends that are mostly known only to academics, this is an excellent work explaining the ways that the wealthy, pale-skinned atheists who call themselves "Jewish" extract resources from other peoples by insulting other communities and traditions.

The predictable critics to the work immediately straw-manned it, rather than discuss the actual content. If you read the actual content--the vast majority of which is citations to, and discussions of, powerful Jewish authors and political figures themselves--the nature of the filthy, exploitative racism expressed by Torah and Talmud--the original texts of racism, hate crimes, and genocide, and one of the first major acts of plagiarism in written history (stealing Egyptian and Mesopotamian legends, such as Gilgamesh), comes through clearly.

Unless you're a rich atheist bigot who thinks that your ancestors' belief in an invisible cloud man named "Jehovah" has made your blood superior to all other people in the world, a close reading of the text makes it clear that this particular subgroup has been conning its way through history. Even if you're experienced enough in the financial, academic, or political world to understand the disproportionate, disgustingly racist agenda advanced by those who self-identify as "Jewish" in today's Western Europe and America, you will probably gain a more comprehensive historical understanding of the many and varied ways in which they have operated over the past century or two."

"A tremendous study of the Jewish dominance in America and how it has distorted our culture, and continues to rule our way of life."
Last edited:
Courtney Cox,
I love you.
You're so hot,
On that show.
Well, I'll leave that sort of analysis alone.

But I have always been intrigued as to why there's been a frantic push (across all levels of society) to make western cultures more multicultural / diverse (something I always wanted myself) --- while completely ignoring culturally homogenous Asian / African / Island cultures.

-- Wouldn't South Korean schools benefit from a huge influx of Syrians?

-- Why aren't wealthy Arab countries taking their fare share of refugees from Central America?

-- Shouldn't African countries have open borders for highly educated Japanese?

If you're mystified by this monumental double standard --- you're not going to find where it came from in mainstream culture, or mainstream history.

Fortunately, Culture of Critique (the book) provides meticulously referenced / sourced information about where these policies came --- many of the roots are from pre-World War 2 / Pre-World War 1.

The Immigration Act of 1965 is one of the most transformative things in American history -- but few people know what it is, or how it originated in meticulous historical detail. (Many more people are aware of "Transphobia" than the Immigration Act of 1965 -- though few people will ever meet a trans person).

Immigration just one of many subjects covered in the book --- other subjects include cultural Marxism (and the Frankfurt School), psychoanalysis, and a range of other fascinating subjects that effect our lives every day. (Far more than transphobia ever would)
It's easiest to just call people racist.

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