Here's today's example of random lies and gaslighting.

So maybe this was answered in the article, but if the Mexicans agreed months ago to increased enforcement on their southern border, why hasn’t it worked?

It hasn't, it won't, the Mexican National Guard patrolling their southern boundary is a joke, but he can say it's something tangible that the tariff got him before he lets it go.
I do not believe this. I am certain it is fake news designed to injure our beloved Dear Leader. I will not believe it until I see it confirmed by Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, or any other trustworthy person from Fox News. I refuse to believe anyone from our Dear Leader’s administration would ever stoop to manipulating my emotions. (Does this count as good sarcasm?)
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I do not believe this. I am certain it is fake news designed to injure our beloved Dear Leader. I will not believe it until I see it confirmed by Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, or any other trustworthy person from Fox News. I refuse to believe anyone from our Dear Leader’s administration would ever stoop to manipulating my emotions. (Does this count as good sarcasm?)

No but it gets you likes from the commies. Congratulations?
So The NY Times, which is supposed to have a ton of journalists that are good at digging up information, didn’t report anything close to this until today. But it was apparently agreed to “months ago”?

Either The NY Times is lying now or the NY Times reporters, and for that matter all other media journalists (since no one reporter previously), absolutely suck at their job.
Damn! I thought for sure it was good sarcasm. I’ll keep trying. Surely I’ll get it right one of these days.

Heysus H Cripes on a crutch; how many freakin' times do you need the blue font instructions?:rolleyes::rolleyes:
I’m a commie now? So that makes you a fascist.


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