Let me ask you: does the US need the rest of the world more or less than the rest of the world needs the US?
Last night I read a very long article by an American diplomat who discussed how the NATO nations, along with the European Union, are seething at his actions. They cannot decide whether to try and wait out his presidency or to confront him now. They are having meetings to discuss what reactions they can take against what they consider to be his bullying.
First, I would like to know who the diplomat is, who appointed him/her and what their street creds are. Second, who gives a shit if the pussy Europeans are pissed at him and having secret meetings to "confront him" now or later.
The EU is history, just doesn't know it yet. The countries that brought you WWI (~180,000 US Dead), The Balfour Agreement guaranteeing the ME's instability even more than it already was, WWII (~490,000 US dead) and let the Balkans spin out of control want to confront him...good luck with that.
With the exception of the Limeys, Canadians and Aussie not too worried what the mighty French, Belgium's or Spaniards think…..oh forgot the mighty Italians also
Want to know when people/countries are serious about getting even with the US? They will start closing US bases down and telling us to get our troops out....yea that same umbrella of protection most pay little if anything for and get the right to bitch and moan while at the same time sleeping in the shadow of the American flag guaranteeing their very freedom to cry about everything they don't like.
The thing is, I’ve traveled in Turkey numerous times the last 8 months (will be there again next week), have been in Canada and Australia (twice in 4 months) and the political subjects, tariffs or hell even Trump rarely if ever come up.
Three weeks ago, was in Adelaide for a conference and the only thing my buddies were mad a t Trump about was the DOI allowing the importation of big game trophy kills back into the US, something which I agree with BTW. After that, they could care less. The liberal party in Australia is touting tax breaks for businesses and individuals now and you talk about a group that wants to button up their borders……fun conversations.
I agree there are a lot of inequities between the US and the EU. But do we really want to destroy an alliance that has been around for 70 years?
The Alliance would be hard pressed to ever be destroyed, IMHO. I asked earlier who needs who worse and you ran through a list of countries that were a petri dish of worldwide groups with their hands perpetually out. The Alliance, much like treaties, have been fairly one-sided and passed because people like the ex-rodent in chief, Kerry, Clinton, Bush etc etc, want their poles smoked by the Europeans……the same Europeans that have never met a handout they didn’t like. They are currently destroying their own countries from within and we care about alliances purchased primarily by American treasure and blood why?
Next time we ask England or France to commit troops to a military action we want to pursue in Syria, for example, how are we going to like it if they say no?
How about WE NEVER GET INVOLVED IN THE ME AGAIN, except to ensure Israel survives. Even that would only require weapons and money though, as they could defend themselves against any ground army the muslims put together.
I agree if he leads us into a trade war, he will not be able to say he wasn't warned. I also think that the measure by which he pushes is the measure by which that particular country can be pushed. He has so many "seasoned" diplomats pissed they are buying everything he does/says at the accelerated liberal media spastic flip out rate, instead of face value.
He may be a complete bomb, when all is said and done....but one thing for sure, he really has succeeded to a far greater degree than many thought he ever could and for that he at least should get lots of latitude.
Oh did I mention before....screw the Europeans, bunch of whinny ass clowns. Worrying about what they think, would be the absolute worst possible course of action for anyone, except a dictator intent on over running all of them.