Here she comes.

“Hey, all you homeless people, I hear they’re giving out free heroin right inside here. Come on in!”
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She had her made up tribe send up batshit crazy gathering smoke signals.
Same socialist nut jobs looking to sponge off taxpayers that were going to Bernie rallies in 16.

It will end the same as Bernie and Hillary last election.
15,0000 people attended Elizabeth Warren's rally in Seatlle. Making wannabe Trump jealous. Wish he can get crowds like that boys?

Actually ONLY 15,000 in SEATTLE, isn't that great. Seattle is close to SanFran in politics, she should have pulled in way more than that. But I hope this type of headline propels her to the lead and ultimately the nomination. You heard it hear first, she won't win more than 10 states if she is nominated.
So her self estimated crowd size of 15k wasn't even a sellout for the Seattle center which holds 17 to 20 thousand depending on config. And this is worth bragging about?
15,0000 people attended Elizabeth Warren's rally in Seatlle. Making wannabe Trump jealous. Wish he can get crowds like that boys?
I assume you posted this because you support Elizabeth Warren. I have asked other seemingly Warren supporters what they see in her that makes them think she has what it takes to "run the free world." So far my questions have gone unanswered. Could you elaborate? Is your support solely because she isn't Donald Trump, or do you see her as a person fully capable of assuming the responsibilities of that office? Personally I don't see it. I'm hoping you can open my eyes to her incredible accomplishments which lend credence to her competence.
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I assume you posted this because you support Elizabeth Warren. I have asked other seemingly Warren supporters what they see in her that makes them think she has what it takes to "run the free world." So far my questions have gone unanswered. Could you elaborate? Is your support solely because she isn't Donald Trump, or do you see her as a person fully capable of assuming the responsibilities of that office? Personally I don't see it. I'm hoping you can open my eyes to her incredible accomplishments which lend credence to her competence.

Hi PoncaDan.

I will answer your question because you seem much more normal than these hipnotised Trump wing nuts. They get all upset with me when I don’t say anything that warrents getting upset with me.

I am a Bernie supporter first, but Betsy is more electsble. (I borrowed Betsy from @CowboyUp ,Jolly good my bro.)

All of us Progressives want these things. Not necesarily in order.
  1. She is a women. It is time for a women president, not a Russian puppet white racists.
  2. We want reparations. I say 5% income tax for 20 years would be enough. I am more moderate on that.
  3. Climate change action. Carbon credits. Time is short.
  4. Open borders and free immigration
  5. Universal health care. Medicare for all
  6. free college tuition. I don’t need this anymore but my fellow human bengs do.
  7. Democratic socalism.
  8. Wealth and wage equality. Tax the upper 25% to pay forthe services others cannot afford. That is the right thing to do.
  9. LGBTQ rights. Equality of ALL the genders.
  10. Native American special compensation
  11. Reproducive rights for the genders that can reproduce.
  12. Severe punishment for bigotted people who don’t believe in freedom of speech and expression. Yes, this mean many of the racists who post here.
  13. Eliminate fossil fuels or make it a mandate with a target date

I want to list more, but these are the things all of us progressives want. Gotto go. I am supposed to be taking a leak.
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Hi PoncaDan.

I will answer your question because you seem much more normal than these hipnotised Trump wing nuts. They get all upset with me when I don’t say anything that warrents getting upset with me.

I am a Bernie supporter first, but Betsy is more electsble. (I borrowed Betsy from @CowboyUp ,Jolly good my bro.)

All of us Progressives want these things. Not necesarily in order.
  1. She is a women. It is time for a women president, not a Russian puppet white racists.
  2. We want reparations. I say 5% income tax for 20 years would be enough. I am more moderate on that.
  3. Climate change action. Carbon credits. Time is short.
  4. Open borders and free immigration
  5. Universal health care. Medicare for all
  6. free college tuition. I don’t need this anymore but my fellow human bengs do.
  7. Democratic socalism.
  8. Wealth and wage equality. Tax the upper 25% to pay forthe services others cannot afford. That is the right thing to do.
  9. LGBTQ rights. Equality of ALL the genders.
  10. Native American special compensation
  11. Reproducive rights for the genders that can reproduce.
  12. Severe punishment for bigotted people who don’t believe in freedom of speech and expression. Yes, this mean many of the racists who post here.

I want to list more, but these are the things all of us progressives want. Gotto go. I am supposed to be taking a leak.
What’s sad is, this troll/parody account making fun of @Syskatine, @Pokeabear, @CowboyUp is really hard to tell the difference between a true leftist and one making fun of leftists...that’s how ****ed up the left is these days.
Hi PoncaDan.

I will answer your question because you seem much more normal than these hipnotised Trump wing nuts. They get all upset with me when I don’t say anything that warrents getting upset with me.

I am a Bernie supporter first, but Betsy is more electsble. (I borrowed Betsy from @CowboyUp ,Jolly good my bro.)

All of us Progressives want these things. Not necesarily in order.
  1. She is a women. It is time for a women president, not a Russian puppet white racists.
  2. We want reparations. I say 5% income tax for 20 years would be enough. I am more moderate on that.
  3. Climate change action. Carbon credits. Time is short.
  4. Open borders and free immigration
  5. Universal health care. Medicare for all
  6. free college tuition. I don’t need this anymore but my fellow human bengs do.
  7. Democratic socalism.
  8. Wealth and wage equality. Tax the upper 25% to pay forthe services others cannot afford. That is the right thing to do.
  9. LGBTQ rights. Equality of ALL the genders.
  10. Native American special compensation
  11. Reproducive rights for the genders that can reproduce.
  12. Severe punishment for bigotted people who don’t believe in freedom of speech and expression. Yes, this mean many of the racists who post here.
  13. Eliminate fossil fuels or make it a mandate with a target date

I want to list more, but these are the things all of us progressives want. Gotto go. I am supposed to be taking a leak.
Hall of fame worthy. Nice touch on the reparation tax. 12 was also very solid.
Hi PoncaDan.

I will answer your question because you seem much more normal than these hipnotised Trump wing nuts. They get all upset with me when I don’t say anything that warrents getting upset with me.

I am a Bernie supporter first, but Betsy is more electsble. (I borrowed Betsy from @CowboyUp ,Jolly good my bro.)

All of us Progressives want these things. Not necesarily in order.
  1. She is a women. It is time for a women president, not a Russian puppet white racists.
  2. We want reparations. I say 5% income tax for 20 years would be enough. I am more moderate on that.
  3. Climate change action. Carbon credits. Time is short.
  4. Open borders and free immigration
  5. Universal health care. Medicare for all
  6. free college tuition. I don’t need this anymore but my fellow human bengs do.
  7. Democratic socalism.
  8. Wealth and wage equality. Tax the upper 25% to pay forthe services others cannot afford. That is the right thing to do.
  9. LGBTQ rights. Equality of ALL the genders.
  10. Native American special compensation
  11. Reproducive rights for the genders that can reproduce.
  12. Severe punishment for bigotted people who don’t believe in freedom of speech and expression. Yes, this mean many of the racists who post here.
  13. Eliminate fossil fuels or make it a mandate with a target date

I want to list more, but these are the things all of us progressives want. Gotto go. I am supposed to be taking a leak.
Beginning to think this is a parody.
What’s sad is, this troll/parody account making fun of @Syskatine, @Pokeabear, @CowboyUp is really hard to tell the difference between a true leftist and one making fun of leftists...that’s how ****ed up the left is these days.
That guy has actually posted on the SoonerScoop on and off for years. A few of the other Sooners posting here know him, and I think some of them may have actually talked to this dude offline in the past. He's was quite the argumentative sports fan from what I remember, the "know better than everyone else" type. He was known for battling bullmarket for the most clueless OU fan award. Apparently he's completely retarded when it comes to politics, so it all makes sense now.
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Hi PoncaDan.

I will answer your question because you seem much more normal than these hipnotised Trump wing nuts. They get all upset with me when I don’t say anything that warrents getting upset with me.

I am a Bernie supporter first, but Betsy is more electsble. (I borrowed Betsy from @CowboyUp ,Jolly good my bro.)

All of us Progressives want these things. Not necesarily in order.
  1. She is a women. It is time for a women president, not a Russian puppet white racists.
  2. We want reparations. I say 5% income tax for 20 years would be enough. I am more moderate on that.
  3. Climate change action. Carbon credits. Time is short.
  4. Open borders and free immigration
  5. Universal health care. Medicare for all
  6. free college tuition. I don’t need this anymore but my fellow human bengs do.
  7. Democratic socalism.
  8. Wealth and wage equality. Tax the upper 25% to pay forthe services others cannot afford. That is the right thing to do.
  9. LGBTQ rights. Equality of ALL the genders.
  10. Native American special compensation
  11. Reproducive rights for the genders that can reproduce.
  12. Severe punishment for bigotted people who don’t believe in freedom of speech and expression. Yes, this mean many of the racists who post here.
  13. Eliminate fossil fuels or make it a mandate with a target date

I want to list more, but these are the things all of us progressives want. Gotto go. I am supposed to be taking a leak.
You had such a good run going but this blew your cover.
Hi PoncaDan.

I will answer your question because you seem much more normal than these hipnotised Trump wing nuts. They get all upset with me when I don’t say anything that warrents getting upset with me.

I am a Bernie supporter first, but Betsy is more electsble. (I borrowed Betsy from @CowboyUp ,Jolly good my bro.)

All of us Progressives want these things. Not necesarily in order.
  1. She is a women. It is time for a women president, not a Russian puppet white racists.
  2. We want reparations. I say 5% income tax for 20 years would be enough. I am more moderate on that.
  3. Climate change action. Carbon credits. Time is short.
  4. Open borders and free immigration
  5. Universal health care. Medicare for all
  6. free college tuition. I don’t need this anymore but my fellow human bengs do.
  7. Democratic socalism.
  8. Wealth and wage equality. Tax the upper 25% to pay forthe services others cannot afford. That is the right thing to do.
  9. LGBTQ rights. Equality of ALL the genders.
  10. Native American special compensation
  11. Reproducive rights for the genders that can reproduce.
  12. Severe punishment for bigotted people who don’t believe in freedom of speech and expression. Yes, this mean many of the racists who post here.
  13. Eliminate fossil fuels or make it a mandate with a target date

I want to list more, but these are the things all of us progressives want. Gotto go. I am supposed to be taking a leak.
What in the holy hell?!?!?!
  • Like
Reactions: iasooner1
Hi PoncaDan.

I will answer your question because you seem much more normal than these hipnotised Trump wing nuts. They get all upset with me when I don’t say anything that warrents getting upset with me.

I am a Bernie supporter first, but Betsy is more electsble. (I borrowed Betsy from @CowboyUp ,Jolly good my bro.)

All of us Progressives want these things. Not necesarily in order.
  1. She is a women. It is time for a women president, not a Russian puppet white racists.
  2. We want reparations. I say 5% income tax for 20 years would be enough. I am more moderate on that.
  3. Climate change action. Carbon credits. Time is short.
  4. Open borders and free immigration
  5. Universal health care. Medicare for all
  6. free college tuition. I don’t need this anymore but my fellow human bengs do.
  7. Democratic socalism.
  8. Wealth and wage equality. Tax the upper 25% to pay forthe services others cannot afford. That is the right thing to do.
  9. LGBTQ rights. Equality of ALL the genders.
  10. Native American special compensation
  11. Reproducive rights for the genders that can reproduce.
  12. Severe punishment for bigotted people who don’t believe in freedom of speech and expression. Yes, this mean many of the racists who post here.
  13. Eliminate fossil fuels or make it a mandate with a target date

I want to list more, but these are the things all of us progressives want. Gotto go. I am supposed to be taking a leak.

Sorry. I have to laugh at #12. Isn't being a bigot a lawful choice of speech and expression? Seems like you are asking for a president to punish people who don't think, speak and express themselves in a manner you find acceptable.
Hi PoncaDan.

I will answer your question because you seem much more normal than these hipnotised Trump wing nuts. They get all upset with me when I don’t say anything that warrents getting upset with me.

I am a Bernie supporter first, but Betsy is more electsble. (I borrowed Betsy from @CowboyUp ,Jolly good my bro.)

All of us Progressives want these things. Not necesarily in order.
  1. She is a women. It is time for a women president, not a Russian puppet white racists.
  2. We want reparations. I say 5% income tax for 20 years would be enough. I am more moderate on that.
  3. Climate change action. Carbon credits. Time is short.
  4. Open borders and free immigration
  5. Universal health care. Medicare for all
  6. free college tuition. I don’t need this anymore but my fellow human bengs do.
  7. Democratic socalism.
  8. Wealth and wage equality. Tax the upper 25% to pay forthe services others cannot afford. That is the right thing to do.
  9. LGBTQ rights. Equality of ALL the genders.
  10. Native American special compensation
  11. Reproducive rights for the genders that can reproduce.
  12. Severe punishment for bigotted people who don’t believe in freedom of speech and expression. Yes, this mean many of the racists who post here.
  13. Eliminate fossil fuels or make it a mandate with a target date

I want to list more, but these are the things all of us progressives want. Gotto go. I am supposed to be taking a leak.



Hi PoncaDan.

I will answer your question because you seem much more normal than these hipnotised Trump wing nuts. They get all upset with me when I don’t say anything that warrents getting upset with me.

I am a Bernie supporter first, but Betsy is more electsble. (I borrowed Betsy from @CowboyUp ,Jolly good my bro.)

All of us Progressives want these things. Not necesarily in order.
  1. She is a women. It is time for a women president, not a Russian puppet white racists.
  2. We want reparations. I say 5% income tax for 20 years would be enough. I am more moderate on that.
  3. Climate change action. Carbon credits. Time is short.
  4. Open borders and free immigration
  5. Universal health care. Medicare for all
  6. free college tuition. I don’t need this anymore but my fellow human bengs do.
  7. Democratic socalism.
  8. Wealth and wage equality. Tax the upper 25% to pay forthe services others cannot afford. That is the right thing to do.
  9. LGBTQ rights. Equality of ALL the genders.
  10. Native American special compensation
  11. Reproducive rights for the genders that can reproduce.
  12. Severe punishment for bigotted people who don’t believe in freedom of speech and expression. Yes, this mean many of the racists who post here.
  13. Eliminate fossil fuels or make it a mandate with a target date

I want to list more, but these are the things all of us progressives want. Gotto go. I am supposed to be taking a leak.

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Sorry. I have to laugh at #12. Isn't being a bigot a lawful choice of speech and expression? Seems like you are asking for a president to punish people who don't think, speak and express themselves in a manner you find acceptable.

This guy is for sure posting from a group home.

Open borders and free healthcare are my favorite.
Is that how you boys operate here? Shoot the messinger? Damn. From now on I will say “Elizabeth Warren says” or “Bernie Sanders says” before I post the message to avoid being slapped around. This is why I included #12. You have no tolerance here for other people thoughts. It’s like a knife and gun club. Next time I will post something nice about Donald Trump so you can see your sunshine unicorns and rainbows but reality is this country is becoming more and more progressive every minute. @Medic007 I never met anyone in person from Rivals I am not bullmarket but I know more about all sports especally football than you could ever come closed to.

Last sentence could be almost word for word from trump.
Is that how you boys operate here? Shoot the messinger? Damn. From now on I will say “Elizabeth Warren says” or “Bernie Sanders says” before I post the message to avoid being slapped around. This is why I included #12. You have no tolerance here for other people thoughts. It’s like a knife and gun club. Next time I will post something nice about Donald Trump so you can see your sunshine unicorns and rainbows but reality is this country is becoming more and more progressive every minute. @Medic007 I never met anyone in person from Rivals I am not bullmarket but I know more about all sports especally football than you could ever come closed to.

You would be better off posting this is from Warren or Biden, one expects such from those clowns.

I have no tolerance for stupidity, which you proclamations are full of and I’m more inclined to believe your a troll or genuinely are in the wrong country. Some of those ideas would be welcomed in China, but not a free thinking society. The lousy thing about your ideas is they come with a gigantic price tag, one I’m not willing to pay. But alas the good news is you can donate everything you make to such causes.

It’s also messenger, not “messinger.”
Inching closer & closer to finally seeing the light here: this has to be the brother/sister team known as yankeesomething or the other moron jeremiahxyz
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Hi PoncaDan.

I will answer your question because you seem much more normal than these hipnotised Trump wing nuts. They get all upset with me when I don’t say anything that warrents getting upset with me.

I am a Bernie supporter first, but Betsy is more electsble. (I borrowed Betsy from @CowboyUp ,Jolly good my bro.)

All of us Progressives want these things. Not necesarily in order.
  1. She is a women. It is time for a women president, not a Russian puppet white racists.
  2. We want reparations. I say 5% income tax for 20 years would be enough. I am more moderate on that.
  3. Climate change action. Carbon credits. Time is short.
  4. Open borders and free immigration
  5. Universal health care. Medicare for all
  6. free college tuition. I don’t need this anymore but my fellow human bengs do.
  7. Democratic socalism.
  8. Wealth and wage equality. Tax the upper 25% to pay forthe services others cannot afford. That is the right thing to do.
  9. LGBTQ rights. Equality of ALL the genders.
  10. Native American special compensation
  11. Reproducive rights for the genders that can reproduce.
  12. Severe punishment for bigotted people who don’t believe in freedom of speech and expression. Yes, this mean many of the racists who post here.
  13. Eliminate fossil fuels or make it a mandate with a target date

I want to list more, but these are the things all of us progressives want. Gotto go. I am supposed to be taking a leak.

How would you punish people you think are “racist?”
How would you punish people you think are “racist?”
Not to mention it’s not illegal to be racist, nor should it be. I should be allowed to hate anyone I want for any reason I choose.

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