Hi PoncaDan.
I will answer your question because you seem much more normal than these hipnotised Trump wing nuts. They get all upset with me when I don’t say anything that warrents getting upset with me.
I am a Bernie supporter first, but Betsy is more electsble. (I borrowed Betsy from
@CowboyUp ,Jolly good my bro.)
All of us Progressives want these things. Not necesarily in order.
- She is a women. It is time for a women president, not a Russian puppet white racists.
- We want reparations. I say 5% income tax for 20 years would be enough. I am more moderate on that.
- Climate change action. Carbon credits. Time is short.
- Open borders and free immigration
- Universal health care. Medicare for all
- free college tuition. I don’t need this anymore but my fellow human bengs do.
- Democratic socalism.
- Wealth and wage equality. Tax the upper 25% to pay forthe services others cannot afford. That is the right thing to do.
- LGBTQ rights. Equality of ALL the genders.
- Native American special compensation
- Reproducive rights for the genders that can reproduce.
- Severe punishment for bigotted people who don’t believe in freedom of speech and expression. Yes, this mean many of the racists who post here.
- Eliminate fossil fuels or make it a mandate with a target date
I want to list more, but these are the things all of us progressives want. Gotto go. I am supposed to be taking a leak.