Help me out here where is the balance? Religious Liberty


Feb 5, 2003

I apologize my thoughts will be all over the place.....
I have a hard time with Ted Cruz and Uncle Huck b/c of all the religious stuff. In the article the guys actually quit b/c they said that their religion was more important to them than the job. I actually would have had a lot more respect for Kim Davis if she said the same thing. Instead she has said that God chose her someone who has been so awful at marriage to protect marriage. The thing about religious liberty is that it is for all religions....I don't care what they do in their homes, temple/mosque/church. I don't even care what they do in public spaces, but the work place seems to be a bit sketchy. I just feel like there is a thin line with this stuff. It may seem great now, but my worst fear is allow something like Sharia Law govern. It may seem insane to think that it could happen here. However, what if it starts at a small level. I read an article about a town in Michigan that has the call to prayer broadcast-ed through the small town. Thoughts????
I haven't seen anything from Cruz that hints at wanting a theocracy. In fact I've seen where he has said that candidates shouldn't wear their faith on their sleeve or act like Pharisee. Has he stood up for religious rights and catered a bit for votes? Yes, but I don't think that is creepy.

I would bet that they were taking more than five minutes and doing more than praying. If there were times they couldn't be let go at the moment required for prayer they couldn't be let go. Sorry, they left because their faith is more important and they apparently could not provide some of the same flexibility they were requesting. Cargill will hire new employees. I don't see a problem here. Also, this is something that needs to be discussed during the hiring process so some ground rules can be established. Muslims are notorious for being completely inflexible.

The last thing we need here is a heavy handed government putting their nose where it does not belong
First, how in the hell were 200 Muslims working at a factory in Ft Morgan Colorado? That seems like a huge number. I've never heard of Ft Morgan. Does that represent a common percentage there?

Second, out of 200, 11 people - less than 10 percent asked for time and were told to do it in rotations so they wouldn't disrupt the entire process of a company that employs (I would assume) more people of non Muslim priorities.

Sounds to me like the company made a good faith attempt to accommodate and the whole Muslim contingent - including the 94% who didn't ask for break time - overplayed their hands and got their asses fired for not coming to work. Not demonstrating. Just not showing up for work.

Seems simple to me, but in this political climate nothing would surprise me.
First, how in the hell were 200 Muslims working at a factory in Ft Morgan Colorado? That seems like a huge number. I've never heard of Ft Morgan. Does that represent a common percentage there?
You have heard of halal? Kosher for the Muslim. Slaughter must be performed by a Muslim. No specific knowledge but would bet this is a processing plant offering Halal meat....
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