He Argues The Nation-State Is On The Way Out

Interesting point, he might be right the state corrupts everyone that works for the state. However, I personally believe that is avoiding the real problem, which is lack of accountability and people maintaining high ethics. Culturally, it seems as time goes by we have less accountability and ethics, and more narcism and victim mentality. It could be that the state does not corrupt people, but as a society we no longer raise adults that have high ethics and standards. When I was growing up, I was fortunate to have adults all around me that were honest, ethical, principaled and who walked what they talked.

I do think the nation state needs less power and we need more authority given to each state, but our government will always be only as good as the people that run them and our elected officials will only be as ethical and honest as the families, schools, and neighborhoods in which they are formed and brought to adulthood.

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