My wife and I are seriously discussing stopping our cable TV service. We pay about $80/mo for the service, $5/mo. each for 3 HD receivers, and $10/mo for a DVR. That is $105/mo. (Between that and the wife and I quitting smoking we would get about a $6K/year raise) We are using netflix, Hulu+, Amazon Prime, and Google Play streaming services. We do not hardly watch live TV any more and are barely using the DVR anymore. The ONLY time I am watching live TV is when I watch Sports Center or live sporting events. ESPN still requires a cable provider log in to stream it and a lot of the NCAA sports are not streamed. Maybe I can watch the NFL games on the NFL website? If it wasn't for the sports I would go ahead and turn the cable off, but I love sports and cannot do without watching them. Anybody done this? What are your thoughts?