Hate crime in Chicago

Absolutely no doubt it would lead....not only in the US but most spots in the world. If it fits the liberal narrative scream it from the mountaintops if not bury it quicker than Whitey Bulger could bury a corps.
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Chicago police say they haven't determined a motive. Think it might be related to the victims mental issues.

WTF? If that's not a racial/political motived crime there is no such thing.
Go rewatch the 60 Minutes story on Chicago from last week. It was apparent the Chicago PD has been scared off from doing any police work by the ACLU and the Rahm Emanual pussies who inhabit Chicago politics. They've been de-balled and replaced by the PC Police.
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This is what the acceptance of a hate group like BLM gets us. They've not been held accountable because of shit stains like 0bama, so they can spread their message of hate with impunity because #racism. I'm sure that mentally handicapped guy stepped on a sidewalk crack to break they momma back...
Inevitable result of 8 years of racial divisiveness.

The next inevitable result will be actual white nationalist morons doing something extremely stupid.

Which makes me wonder if that wasn't kind of the goal.
I don't think the morons that were torturing that kid in the video are smart enough to think strategically like that but there are those in blm who would love nothing more than to inspire some white nazi idiots to do something violent against black people.

They'd just consider the people harmed to be the cost of furthering the movement.
I don't think the morons that were torturing that kid in the video are smart enough to think strategically like that but there are those in blm who would love nothing more than to inspire some white nazi idiots to do something violent against black people.

They'd just consider the people harmed to be the cost of furthering the movement.

I was referring to globalists who want to destabilize western democracies. I think racial strife is a huge part of their plan.
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Hate crime charges have been filed. Of course, CNN's Lemon says he didn't think the beating was evil...rather, it was bad home training.
Looks like all 4 have been charged with some serious stuff. I'm waiting for the usual race baiters to come out with excuses and blame toward everyone but the suspects. I'm "shocked" that 0bama hasn't taken the time out of his busy "try to convince everyone how great I am" tour to talk about if he had a son...
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Looks like all 4 have been charged with some serious stuff. I'm waiting for the usual race baiters to come out with excuses and blame toward everyone but the suspects. I'm "shocked" that 0bama hasn't taken the time out of his busy "try to convince everyone how great I am" tour to talk about if he had a son...
I think he's inviting them all to the White House to discuss it over a beer.
Looks like all 4 have been charged with some serious stuff. I'm waiting for the usual race baiters to come out with excuses and blame toward everyone but the suspects. I'm "shocked" that 0bama hasn't taken the time out of his busy "try to convince everyone how great I am" tour to talk about if he had a son...
He hasn't shown any interest in any of this bullshit going on in Chicago yet. He still has time to pardon these 4, however.
CNN host Don Lemon said Wednesday evening the broadcasted torture of a bound and gagged victim in Chicago was not “evil,” adding that the suspects had “bad home training.”

“I don’t think it’s evil,” Lemon replied. “I don’t think it’s evil. I think these are young people and I think they have bad home training. I say, who is raising these young people? I have no idea who’s raising these young people. Because no one I know on Earth who is 17 years old or 70 years old would ever think of treating another person like that. It is inhumane. And you wonder, at 18 years old, where is your parent? Where’s your guardian?”

During the same discussion, Democrat strategist and former press secretary for Bernie Sanders Symone Sanderssaidthe attack was “not a hate crime” if the suspects were motivated by “hate of Donald Trump.”

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest was asked if President Obama had any comment about the video.

“I haven’t spoken to the President about it, but I am confidant he would be angered by the images that are depicted on that video,” Earnest told the reporter.

The reporter asked Earnest if this rose to the level of a hate crime.

“I think it’s too early to tell. I certainly don’t want to predict where the investigation will lead,” Earnest told the reporter. “I wouldn’t speculate at this point to what degree federal officials would get involved for considering those kinds of crimes.”

All losers!
By the way, the inclusion of "**** Trump" during this hate crime politicizes this attack and yes, I would say the same if it were white nationalists screaming "**** Obama" while torturing a black person.

So there was at least some political statement being made while live-streaming violence and intimidation to a theoretically limitless audience. Why not try them as terrorists?

  1. the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.

Also, this kind of thing - along with the cop shootings - lies at the feet of:

1. The media - for selective coverage of such things. Over-coverage of others.
2. Obama - for fanning the flames of racial division. He's a politician and I disagree with his politics, but he is the president and could use this power for so much more good than he has.
3. Useful idiots who use ridiculous terms like "fascist" for American political opponents, protest election results, initiate pointless recounts and so on. It incites people to the point that they believe that a duly elected president is their literal enemy - instead of a politician they disagree with. It is a horrible mistake to use this kind of hyperbole.

Very dangerous games being played.