harold on the five, yesterday


Heisman Candidate
Gold Member
Dec 10, 2003
the token democrat on the five gave his 3 things to deter mass shootings.

1, you must be 21 years old to buy a gun, voting age as well? serving in the military?

2, make a looooong waiting period between filing out the application and actually picking up your firearm. 60 days seems like a nice round number of days to wait.

3, put trained and ARMED guards in ALL schools.

i can live with all these. do these things 'infringe" on my firearm ownership?

but as usual the progressives only see one element in this problem, guns,,,,, particularly ar15 and ak47. i bet assault rifle sales are exploding. not a word about mental health, church influence decreasing, single parent homes, drugs and alcohol use by the shooters and/or their family. this is a multifaceted issue and needs a multifaceted solution.

brandon and his clowns are searching for anything to deflect from the complete failure of his presidency. i think the great unwashed are smart enough to realize this is just veiled attempt to disarm the public.

startling stat, of all the inmates in the pen now for gun related offenses, only 2% bought guns legally. those background checks are really working,,,,,, not.

they can have my .22, one well aimed bullet at a time

Don’t understand the longer waiting periods. Don’t see that as a deterrent for someone who truly wishes to carry out killing people. All you have done is pushed it for awhile. I’m not saying I’m not for changes but just a waiting period accomplishes nothing. What if you have to have a psych evaluation during that time from a list of approved doctors.
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Don’t understand the longer waiting periods. Don’t see that as a deterrent for someone who truly wishes to carry out killing people. All you have done is pushed it for awhile. I’m not saying I’m not for changes but just a waiting period accomplishes nothing. What if you have to have a psych evaluation during that time from a list of approved doctors.
I could live with a psych eval during the waiting period, IF, the government subsidizes it (much like a poll tax, you can't infringe on our Amendment rights by implementing obtrusive costs) and the government must present their approval and rejection statistics which must remain over 80 or 90%. This is to ensure that the doctor pool's potential biases against guns isn't used as a method for restricting lawful gun ownership. And finally, there needs to be a clear and transparent appeals process for rejections.

As for the other recommendations, I'm ok with a longer waiting period although 60 days is excessive. Recognize that this parameter will simply drive people to more individual sellers which is the exact opposite of what we want if we desire background checks to be performed.

As for background checks, I would accept one change: Make it easy for an individual seller to be able to perform background checks and then, if an individual or organization sells a gun to an individual who wouldn't have passed a BG check, then they can be held liable for the damage that individual causes. I view this similarly to the laws that allow a bar or restaurant to be held liable for overserving a customer who then goes out and kills someone in a DUI. However, if the individual would have passed (or did pass) a background check, then the seller can not be held liable.
Don’t understand the longer waiting periods. Don’t see that as a deterrent for someone who truly wishes to carry out killing people. All you have done is pushed it for awhile. I’m not saying I’m not for changes but just a waiting period accomplishes nothing. What if you have to have a psych evaluation during that time from a list of approved doctors.
F that. You have any anxiety meds for anything? Denied. Take Xanax to fly? Denied. Have a medical marijuana card? Denied.
Bullshit on that.
I don’t necessarily disagree with that but a waiting period just to have a waiting period serves no purpose.
Maybe if it included your social media and you have comments about shooting schools you are denied.
How about we strictly enforce the laws we have on the books, improve school security and address the elephant in the room, mental illness, before we start infringing on the rights of honest American citizens. Just those three things will solve many of the problems we have.
How about we strictly enforce the laws we have on the books, improve school security and address the elephant in the room, mental illness, before we start infringing on the rights of honest American citizens. Just those three things will solve many of the problems we have.
I completely agree but how do you address the mental illness issue as it relates to gun ownership. Saying your going to address it and actually addressing it are two different things.
Don’t understand the longer waiting periods. Don’t see that as a deterrent for someone who truly wishes to carry out killing people. All you have done is pushed it for awhile. I’m not saying I’m not for changes but just a waiting period accomplishes nothing. What if you have to have a psych evaluation during that time from a list of approved doctors.
The waiting period also deters a lot of suicides.
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I completely agree but how do you address the mental illness issue as it relates to gun ownership. Saying your going to address it and actually addressing it are two different things.
I'm not going to try and claim I know anything about mental illness other than I know it's a problem and we need to do something about it but just off the top of my head.
I would think our public school system would be a good asset to identify kids that might have problems. They seem to be experts on identifying LGBTQ kids, maybe with a little training and a change in thinking they could help identify problem kids. How that works I will leave to the experts.
I know when my daughter worked as an animal cruelty investigator for the city of Fort Worth she learned that kids that abuse animals have a huge propensity to have problems later in life. Need to get those kids help.
Increase government funding for mental health hospitals. Government spends enough money on BS they could easily afford it without raising taxes. Of course that's easy said than done.
#1 will be ruled unconstitutional. Think it already has been in CA. If you're going to do for guns, then do for cars. Way more kids are killed in car wrecks then gun incidents.

Why is the semi-fire rifle ban only important after a mass shooting. If he had gone in the school with 10 pistols, would the outcry to ban pistols be as loud. Ditto for Tulsa.

#2 have no issues with, but 2-months, that's too long. I'm with whomever said 2-weeks. But for a completely deranged/pissed/head case that will delay the inevitable.

Not concentrating on the weapon used...what can anyone look at with these scum that would shoot up red flares everywhere? Much to see in TX, same in FL. Having anything publically marked as a "Gun Free Zone" should be a criminal offense. Have to create ingress choke points with better restrictions then you see in many places. I don't give a shit if the liberals think that kids will be "traumatized" y seeing police in school. Dumbest thing have ever heard, beside Biden is a moderate.

#3 I'm in favor of and have been for a long time. Why I think the libcomdems don't like this, is it will stop this nonsense and prove that you don't have to have a semi rifle fire ban at all, once armed guards start shooting down these scum.

My fear of red flag laws, is who pays for the lawyers if you are wrongly accused by a pissed off lover/spouse/child etc., and you have to go to court to get your weapons back.

Every state needs to declare that all its citizens can be considered militia members by virtue of living in the state, but with no function of duty. This will ensure that the exact language of the 2nd can't be bastardized, for the other future attempted gun grabs in the future.

If it ever comes down to suing gun manufacturers for the randomness of someone who legal buys a weapon then kills someone (which I'm pretty sure is illegal) then count me in on the class action suit against all auto manufacturers who have random purchasers go out and kill people while texting, driving drunk, speeding etc.

Media needs to quit mentioning the name of these idiots. Reserved especially for mass killers of innocents, we need public hangings. Let some of these potential future sick bastards see someone flopping around on the end of the rope and see what they think of the "stardom" from their actions.

Everyone on the VIEW should be taken out and keelhauled. That is all!
The waiting period also deters a lot of suicides.
Anyone wants to kill themselves they can drive a car into a tree or take a bunch of pills....or fill in the blanks here so I would argue. Just enforce what's on the books- the anti Americans that are running this country have
the token democrat on the five gave his 3 things to deter mass shootings.

1, you must be 21 years old to buy a gun, voting age as well? serving in the military?

2, make a looooong waiting period between filing out the application and actually picking up your firearm. 60 days seems like a nice round number of days to wait.

3, put trained and ARMED guards in ALL schools.

i can live with all these. do these things 'infringe" on my firearm ownership?

but as usual the progressives only see one element in this problem, guns,,,,, particularly ar15 and ak47. i bet assault rifle sales are exploding. not a word about mental health, church influence decreasing, single parent homes, drugs and alcohol use by the shooters and/or their family. this is a multifaceted issue and needs a multifaceted solution.

brandon and his clowns are searching for anything to deflect from the complete failure of his presidency. i think the great unwashed are smart enough to realize this is just veiled attempt to disarm the public.

startling stat, of all the inmates in the pen now for gun related offenses, only 2% bought guns legally. those background checks are really working,,,,,, not.

they can have my .22, one well aimed bullet at a time

Democrat run cities see crime rising. These ideological morons are going to tell us how to curb mass shootings?

Will a single one of these morons ever read the Prologue of More Guns-Less Crime by John Lott? Not on your life. These morons might actually learn something.
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#1 will be ruled unconstitutional. Think it already has been in CA. If you're going to do for guns, then do for cars. Way more kids are killed in car wrecks then gun incidents.

Why is the semi-fire rifle ban only important after a mass shooting. If he had gone in the school with 10 pistols, would the outcry to ban pistols be as loud. Ditto for Tulsa.

#2 have no issues with, but 2-months, that's too long. I'm with whomever said 2-weeks. But for a completely deranged/pissed/head case that will delay the inevitable.

Not concentrating on the weapon used...what can anyone look at with these scum that would shoot up red flares everywhere? Much to see in TX, same in FL. Having anything publically marked as a "Gun Free Zone" should be a criminal offense. Have to create ingress choke points with better restrictions then you see in many places. I don't give a shit if the liberals think that kids will be "traumatized" y seeing police in school. Dumbest thing have ever heard, beside Biden is a moderate.

#3 I'm in favor of and have been for a long time. Why I think the libcomdems don't like this, is it will stop this nonsense and prove that you don't have to have a semi rifle fire ban at all, once armed guards start shooting down these scum.

My fear of red flag laws, is who pays for the lawyers if you are wrongly accused by a pissed off lover/spouse/child etc., and you have to go to court to get your weapons back.

Every state needs to declare that all its citizens can be considered militia members by virtue of living in the state, but with no function of duty. This will ensure that the exact language of the 2nd can't be bastardized, for the other future attempted gun grabs in the future.

If it ever comes down to suing gun manufacturers for the randomness of someone who legal buys a weapon then kills someone (which I'm pretty sure is illegal) then count me in on the class action suit against all auto manufacturers who have random purchasers go out and kill people while texting, driving drunk, speeding etc.

Media needs to quit mentioning the name of these idiots. Reserved especially for mass killers of innocents, we need public hangings. Let some of these potential future sick bastards see someone flopping around on the end of the rope and see what they think of the "stardom" from their actions.

Everyone on the VIEW should be taken out and keelhauled. That is all!

Cliff's notes: There are no common sense fixes on the left, no matter the b.s. rhetoric from both sides. The left will stop at nothing short of disarming this country. Living in a two orange household, I'm with Texas on this one:


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