Happy Juneteenth


Heisman Winner
Aug 24, 2003
They love to say those Democrats then are the Conservatives now.
God bless them, I guess I wouldn't want to own that history either if I were them.
I guess it begs the question, since this supposed “transition”, how many republican lynchings and church burnings have taken place?
They love to say those Democrats then are the Conservatives now.
God bless them, I guess I wouldn't want to own that history either if I were them.
Democrats like to project what they are on others. It's a defense mechanism.

It's kind of like the criminal in jail saying I didn't commit the crime they did, even though all the evidence points at them.

So much is taught incorrectly, it's hard to wrap your mind around it.
If history was correctly taught the Democrat Party would not exist.
History is correctly taught. But we don't stop teaching history with the year 1865. We also teach about the changes that occurred to both political parties from 1932 through the 1980s.
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I guess it begs the question, since this supposed “transition”, how many republican lynchings and church burnings have taken place?
Says the modern-day Republican who has the Confederate flag on every one of his posts and consistently defends the confederacy and its traitors.
Says the modern-day Republican who has the Confederate flag on every one of his posts and consistently defends the confederacy and its traitors.

I have no issue with the Confederate Flag. I wouldn't fly one personally but having had this discussion with numerous people from the deep south that do. It's a symbol of pride to them and has nothing to do with racism, black people or politics. It is the leftist race baiters that have turned that flag into a symbol of racism not southerners.
I have no issue with the Confederate Flag.
Republicans in 1865 had an issue with the Confederate Flag though. And they continued to do so for a while after the Civil War, especially the Radical Republicans.

But now, it is mainly Republicans who defend and celebrate that flag. As we see on this board.

This clearly illustrates the change that has occurred among the two parties since 1865. Which was my point.

but having had this discussion with numerous people from the deep south that do. It's a symbol of pride to them and has nothing to do with racism, black people or politics. It is the leftist race baiters that have turned that flag into a symbol of racism not southerners.
Well, I was born and raised in the south. With the exception of five years, I've always lived in the south (those other five years I lived in what was considered a border state back in the 1860s). And I know for a fact that flag has everything to do with racism, black people, and politics. I know people who fly it and/or display it and I know what they advocate for.

The left didn't turn that flag into a symbol of racism. That flag has always been a symbol of racism! Every since it was created by a bunch of racist traitors who were trying to save the institution of slavery and destroy our Union. Come on Bearcat, don't be ridiculous.
Republicans in 1865 had an issue with the Confederate Flag though. And they continued to do so for a while after the Civil War, especially the Radical Republicans.

But now, it is mainly Republicans who defend and celebrate that flag. As we see on this board.

This clearly illustrates the change that has occurred among the two parties since 1865. Which was my point.

Well, I was born and raised in the south. With the exception of five years, I've always lived in the south (those other five years I lived in what was considered a border state back in the 1860s). And I know for a fact that flag has everything to do with racism, black people, and politics. I know people who fly it and/or display it and I know what they advocate for.

The left didn't turn that flag into a symbol of racism. That flag has always been a symbol of racism! Every since it was created by a bunch of racist traitors who were trying to save the institution of slavery and destroy our Union. Come on Bearcat, don't be ridiculous.
That is your opinion, I have mine.
That is your opinion, I have mine.
It isn't an opinion. It is a historical fact.

That flag has always been a symbol of racism. Every since it was created by a bunch of racist traitors who were trying to save the institution of slavery and destroy our Union.
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It isn't an opinion. It is a historical fact.

That flag has always been a symbol of racism. Every since it was created by a bunch of racist traitors who were trying to save the institution of slavery and destroy our Union.
Again that's what the flag means to you, it doesn't mean that to me. If you don't like the flag, don't look at it.
Again that's what the flag means to you, it doesn't mean that to me.
So are you claiming that the flag wasn't created by a bunch of racist traitors who were trying to protect the institution of slavery and destroy the Union? Yes or no? And if you are claiming this, who then created the flag and what was it meant to symbolize?

And just to return this thread back to the main topic, here we have a modern-day Republican in Bearcat defending the Confederate flag and those who fly it. Again, illustrating very clearly the change that has occurred with Republicans since 1865.
So are you claiming that the flag wasn't created by a bunch of racist traitors who were trying to protect the institution of slavery and destroy the Union? Yes or no? And if you are claiming this, who then created the flag and what was it meant to symbolize?

And just to return this thread back to the main topic, here we have a modern-day Republican in Bearcat defending the Confederate flag and those who fly it. Again, illustrating very clearly the change that has occurred with Republicans since 1865.
Why is it such a problem for you that I have an opinion different than your own?
Why is it such a problem for you that I have an opinion different than your own?
It isn't. In fact, your posts on this thread are proving my point. Keep it up please.

Again, are you claiming that the flag wasn't created by a bunch of racist traitors who were trying to protect the institution of slavery and destroy the Union? Yes or no? And if you are claiming this, who then created the flag and what was it meant to symbolize?
"These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we've got to do something about this, we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. For if we don't move at all, then their allies will line up against us and there'll be no way of stopping them, we'll lose the filibuster and there'll be no way of putting a brake on all sorts of wild legislation. It'll be Reconstruction all over again."

Quote Source Information
• Said to Senator Richard Russell, Jr. (D-GA) regarding the Civil Rights Act of 1957. As quoted in Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream (1977), by Doris Kearns Goodwin, New York: New American Library, p. 155
• Source: Wikiquote: "Lyndon B. Johnson" (Attributed)
It isn't. In fact, your posts on this thread are proving my point. Keep it up please.

Again, are you claiming that the flag wasn't created by a bunch of racist traitors who were trying to protect the institution of slavery and destroy the Union? Yes or no? And if you are claiming this, who then created the flag and what was it meant to symbolize?
Sorry but that's the problem when you can think for yourself, you don't automatically fall in line with popular thinking and tend to actually question that thinking.
I can see how Southerners were not so much trying to protect the institution of slavery, as they were trying to protect their economy and way of life, which, whether right or wrong for the time, was largely based on slavery. Not defending slavery by any means just trying to understand why the South was willing to fight over it and it makes sense to me.
I know this is a very unpopular viewpoint for the emotional crowd but I've never been very emotional or allowed emotions to determine my opinions.
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