H-Oversight, Cheatle

Did they ask her to define assassination attempt? Bet she can't answer that on either. I would seriously ask her.
Surprised they didn't pull the Covid scam with her as well to avoid that disaster. All is good with Joe now after his near death experience and departure from the race. Can't make up the crap the left pulls.
This is going to be good....

Comments Popcorn GIF by HyperX
She avoided every question during a hearing investigating the assassination attempt. How is Congrss supposed to do thier job with buerocrats who act like this?

She even avoided Dems talking points. She left everyone with a bad taste in thier mouth, even her allies. Impeach her if she won't go. Don't think that's going to be hard at this point. The DHS secretary needs to be next.
Here is how you get Cheatle out. She is letting her detail take the fall right now by not accepting accountability. All of the USSS agents should announce they are no longer working any more details until she is fired. She is putting agents lives at stakes besides the principles they protect. Biden would have to fire her.
Can Congress impeach her and then recommend criminal charges? Go around both morons in the White House.
Absolutely they can Impeach her, then levy criminal charges. I'm sure DOJ Garland would ignore doing anything and the FBI would refuse to arrest her - at least this term.

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