Not so fast there Donald...... "Republican Senator Roy Blunt, a member of his party's leadership, told reporters on Tuesday that money for the wall likely would not be coupled with a spending bill that must pass by April 28 to avoid shutting down federal agencies whose funding expires then."
Remember how many of you were crowing about how Trump had already began dismembering "Obamacare" when he signed the E.O on Day 1? Just like the repeal and replace plan (the House's version being DOA and the Trump version having never surfaced) I've tried you guys to use some caution. In particular the one thing I've been warning you all about was the fact that just because Trump says something is going to happen, without Congress acting first to appropriate the money it's all nothing but tales full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
Now, more than ever - I'm not so certain that there is enough Republican support for the wall to carry the day, at least not in the near-term.