Green peace cucks versus pipeliners

Looking forward to this. if you take away the long breaks in the truck, delegating most of the hard work to their helper, eating lunch at fancy steak houses you actually have some pretty tough hombres. This will be a good fight.

they can start by picking up the mountain of trash they left at their previous protesting HQ.

next step is to make damn sure they aren't using fossil fuels in their lives.

as for the truckers-> they don't get to eat at the steakhouse, they go for a jog at lunch and have a yogi at the wellsite so they can work on their posture and core strength during these long breaks:)
Might have a chance to see some of this up close and personal with the Diamond pipeline from Ardmore to Memphis.

So get your popcorn.

I prefer beer, but to the point. Google tells me there are 2.5 million miles of pipelines in the US. and I don't recall another one being an issue until Keystone. Why is the (name here) pipeline suddenly at the top of the green gerbil list? Are they running out of windmills to tilt?
I prefer beer, but to the point. Google tells me there are 2.5 million miles of pipelines in the US. and I don't recall another one being an issue until Keystone. Why is the (name here) pipeline suddenly at the top of the green gerbil list? Are they running out of windmills to tilt?

My guess is trying to build a new base of supporters by connecting with Native American groups.
My guess is trying to build a new base of supporters by connecting with Native American groups.

I understand, but will beat the dead horse only once more; where were the Native American's during the last 2.5 million miles of construction? This smells of "new" narrative drivel, pandering to (fill in blank). Hell, I may have just answered myself.:eek:
I understand, but will beat the dead horse only once more; where were the Native American's during the last 2.5 million miles of construction? This smells of "new" narrative drivel, pandering to (fill in blank). Hell, I may have just answered myself.:eek:

Standing Rock protests did originate with the SR Sioux, but it quickly got out of their hands to the point that they had little to do with it in reality.'s about recruitment.
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The native American aspect was just a rouse in order to couch the issue in as favorable a light as the protesters could. This isn't about native sovereignty. It is about attempting to prevent the proliferation of fossil fuels. period.
The native American aspect was just a rouse in order to couch the issue in as favorable a light as the protesters could. This isn't about native sovereignty. It is about attempting to prevent the proliferation of fossil fuels. period.

Not ENTIRELY true. It wasn't a ruse in Standing Rock in the beginning. Other protestors took over and co-opted to protest to the point that Standing Rock Sioux were at odds with several protest camps, cooperating and negotiating with law enforcement, looking to end it in an efficient and safe manner.
Well the pureness of the tribe is in question from the beginning. Buy even if that's the case, they were coopted almost from day 2.
Well the pureness of the tribe is in question from the beginning. Buy even if that's the case, they were coopted almost from day 2.

I've received multiple briefings from multiple law enforcement agencies on the ground of the Standing Rock protests from the beginning.

I don't know what you mean by the "pureness" of the tribe, but they are a recognized tribe with a reservation...which is where they set up their protests. They were also working in the process established by the Corp of Engineers in addition to their protests. Finally, co-opted almost from day 2 is also an exaggeration...though they were several different groups.
I too have been getting briefings due to my position and employer.
I prefer beer, but to the point. Google tells me there are 2.5 million miles of pipelines in the US. and I don't recall another one being an issue until Keystone. Why is the (name here) pipeline suddenly at the top of the green gerbil list? Are they running out of windmills to tilt?

Because it's crossing an international boarder so it has to have the federal government's approval, so Obama used it to play politics. Remember the southern part of the Keystone pipe has been built, even Obama came to Cushing to try to show how pro jobs/business he was. That's because he had no power to stop that pipeline from going in. Just like he couldn't stop the 2 pipelines my company built in that same time.

I think one way to stay out of the headlines is to keep the land owners happy by paying them good money for the easement, and just know how to plan your pipeline rout. The SD pipeline that caused all that problems was because they chose a poor route and failed to keep the tribes happy.
Because it's crossing an international boarder so it has to have the federal government's approval, so Obama used it to play politics. Remember the southern part of the Keystone pipe has been built, even Obama came to Cushing to try to show how pro jobs/business he was. That's because he had no power to stop that pipeline from going in. Just like he couldn't stop the 2 pipelines my company built in that same time.

I think one way to stay out of the headlines is to keep the land owners happy by paying them good money for the easement, and just know how to plan your pipeline rout. The SD pipeline that caused all that problems was because they chose a poor route and failed to keep the tribes happy.

Parts of it also went over public land which allowed the President to control the Corp of Engineers process for approval of those portions. That also resulted in the protestors being able to get into and onto public lands in advance of the planned route through public lands.

Hoping we don't have similar major issues here. Good chance we won't because the majority...maybe all...goes over easements purchased from private property owners.
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