Great article re Pruitt is Oklahoma conservative tribalism incarnate.


Heisman Candidate
Sep 7, 2008
Pruitt is a pure creature of this new hyper-conservative GOP. He came up in Oklahoma conservative politics, where alliance with fossil fuel industries and hostility toward federal regulators are taken for granted and the only serious political threat is from the right. Liberals and environmentalists mostly exist as grotesque caricatures on the conservative media that dominate the airwaves.

Pruitt has lived his life in a conservative bubble, and much like [URL='']Vice President Mike Pence
, his intense religious convictions, his naked political ambition, and his industry-friendly policy agenda are in perfect alignment, with nary a hint of cognitive dissonance. God called on him to deregulate the fossil fuel industry. The more power he gains, the higher he rises in politics, the more he can carry out God’s will.


When he was Oklahoma attorney general he was busted copying industry talking points directly into his communications with the federal government. Emails from that time, which have been dragged out of him by investigations and lawsuits, reveal a long pattern of working in close coordination with industry to attack EPA regulations. They also reveal a striking lack of self-awareness that anyone might object to or even make particular note of such a relationship.

More than anything, Pruitt just doesn’t seem to see anything wrong with it. They worked with their tribe (environmentalists), why shouldn’t he work with his (industry)?

It did not occur to him to explain himself to the mainstream media; they were the enemy. Instead, his immediate instinct — one that reflects his long-time immersion in, and relationship to, right-wing media — was to play the victim of a liberal witch hunt.

It wasn’t hard to sell that narrative on the right. Conservative media were slavishly supportive of Pruitt from the beginning, culminating in a series of fawning profiles in purportedly respectable outlets like the Weekly Standard and National Review. (The author of NR’s lickspittle paean to Pruitt’s greatness? None other than Kevin D. Williamson.)


For the most part, right-wing media, think tanks, and industry groups rallied on Pruitt’s behalf. (A few, including Fox News host Laura Ingraham, began turning against him in recent weeks.) They didn’t care about establishment standards or the perception of procedural neutrality, any more than he did. He was of their tribe, advancing their agenda.

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Pruitt is a pure creature of this new hyper-conservative GOP. He came up in Oklahoma conservative politics, where alliance with fossil fuel industries and hostility toward federal regulators are taken for granted and the only serious political threat is from the right. Liberals and environmentalists mostly exist as grotesque caricatures on the conservative media that dominate the airwaves.

Pruitt has lived his life in a conservative bubble, and much like
Vice President Mike Pence, his intense religious convictions, his naked political ambition, and his industry-friendly policy agenda are in perfect alignment, with nary a hint of cognitive dissonance. God called on him to deregulate the fossil fuel industry. The more power he gains, the higher he rises in politics, the more he can carry out God’s will.


When he was Oklahoma attorney general he was busted
copying industry talking points directly into his communications with the federal government. Emails from that time, which have been dragged out of him by investigations and lawsuits, reveal a long pattern of working in close coordination with industry to attack EPA regulations. They also reveal a striking lack of self-awareness that anyone might object to or even make particular note of such a relationship.

More than anything, Pruitt just doesn’t seem to see anything wrong with it. They worked with their tribe (environmentalists), why shouldn’t he work with his (industry)?

It did not occur to him to explain himself to the mainstream media; they were the enemy. Instead, his immediate instinct — one that reflects his long-time immersion in, and relationship to, right-wing media — was to play the victim of a liberal witch hunt.

It wasn’t hard to sell that narrative on the right. Conservative media were slavishly supportive of Pruitt from the beginning, culminating in a series of fawning profiles in purportedly respectable outlets like the
Weekly Standard and National Review. (The author of NR’s lickspittle paean to Pruitt’s greatness? None other than Kevin D. Williamson.)


For the most part, right-wing media, think tanks, and industry groups
rallied on Pruitt’s behalf. (A few, including Fox News host Laura Ingraham, began turning against him in recent weeks.) They didn’t care about establishment standards or the perception of procedural neutrality, any more than he did. He was of their tribe, advancing their agenda.


TL;DR , don’t give a shit about Pruitt

You bitching about tribalism?

What fvckin joke

You support identity politics Pussyhat

What does that prey on might I ask?

Gullible fvckin retards tribal instincts
Why do so many bad people use it to get gullible people to give them what they want?

Stupid question is stupid

Ignorant insinuation is ignorant

Because that’s what bad people do

Prey on and take advantage of others
Why do so many bad people use it to get gullible people to give them what they want?

I dunno.

Ask Johan Tetsel.

Some are adept at preying on ignorant people. Attach modifiers like "Jesus" or "the Lord" to a proposition and many will fall for it hook, line, and sinker.

People who claim to be Christians should be more like the Bereans in Acts, who after hearing Paul, examined the scriptures to see if what he said was true.
TL;DR , don’t give a shit about Pruitt

You bitching about tribalism?

What fvckin joke

You support identity politics Pussyhat

What does that prey on might I ask?

Gullible fvckin retards tribal instincts

Stupid question is stupid

Ignorant insinuation is ignorant

Because that’s what bad people do

Prey on and take advantage of others

Not drunk enough yet.

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