Graham: Talking to people is not a crime.

Breathing air is not a crime. Talking to someone is not a crime. Breathing in Meth is a crime. Talking to someone about robbing a bank is a crime.
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The Washington Free Beacon, a conservative site based in Washington, D.C., confirmed that it hired the firm Fusion GPS to unearth damaging information about President Donald Trump in the run-up to the election. GOP donor and billionaire Paul Singer is one of the site’s key backers. Associated Press reporter Tom LoBianco joins Hari Sreenivasan from Washington, D.C., for more.

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    The secret funder of a once secret dossier of opposition research on Donald Trump has been unmasked. The dossier, produced during last year's presidential campaign, purported to document possible connections between Russians and Trump Organization business or the Trump campaign.

    The Washington firm Fusion GPS had been hired to produce the dossier during the Republican primary season, and it eventually assigned the task to a British former intelligence officer named Christopher Steele. That's all been known for months.

    Now, we know who originally hired Fusion GPS. The chairman and the editor of the conservative website Washington Free Beacon confirm they did so for information on "multiple Republican candidates."

    At the same time, Free Beacon denied paying for the Steele dossier or having any contact with him. Free Beacon said its research ended before Steele began his work.

    A key financial backer of Free Beacon is Paul Singer, a billionaire New York investor who is among the country's most active Republican donors. Since 2012, Singer has given more than 40 million dollars to Republican and conservative candidates for federal office, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. Recipients included Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio, who competed with Trump for the Republican nomination.

    Earlier this week, another Washington law firm, Perkins Coie, which represented the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee, said it continued to pay Steele for his work after Trump secured the nomination. The Steele dossier, published after the campaign by Buzzfeed, contained salacious and unverified information about Mister Trump and his 2013 visit to Moscow.

    The White House had no comment today on the revelations about the original funding of the dossier. Yesterday, Trump press secretary Sarah Sanders said if there was any collusion with Russia, it was the Democratic National Committee and the Clintons who colluded.

    The House of Representatives' Intelligence Committee says The Free Beacon has agreed to cooperate with its probe into Russian meddling into the election. The committee has also subpoenaed bank records from Fusion GPS.

    For more on the mystery and controversy surrounding the trump dossier, I am joined by Associated Press reporter Tom Lobianco.

    The House of Representatives Intelligence Committee says the Free Beacon has agreed to cooperate with its probe into Russian meddling into the election. The committee is also subpoenaed bank records from Fusion GPS. For more on the mystery and controversy surrounding the Trump dossier, I am joined by Associated Press reporter Tom LoBianco. So for people who haven't been following this closely, this is something, this is a document that we started hearing about really in the fall of last year as the campaigns were in full swing.

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Booker & Warren; shucking & jiving at or near the Church in Charlottsville:
(dim idea of separation of Church & state)
Her campaign did not. Her lawyer the campaign retained did, which leaves a layer plausible of deniability. Hillary herself did not. Ya know like how you guys all believe Trumps campaign was separate from Trump.


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