GOWPP--stick a fork in it

I find your efforts at causing consternation over the Republican party very amusing. When are you a going to learn that the majority of people on here don't care about a bunch of spoiled, dishonest Republicans.

It's about ideology and principles, since the Democrats don't have principles and they have basically become socialists that means we have to find a candidate that represents us that is usually a Republican like Cruz or Trump. You are not going to see many on here crying over the demise of the establishment of either party.

I think you and your NY Times loving friends might want to take a look at what has been going on around the country. Outside of Obama attracting the know nothing voters twice Democrats are getting clobbered in elections everywhere with the exceptions of a few blue states.
Cup has no convictions. His thoughts are the dem talking points posted daily on Huffpost.
I find your efforts at causing consternation over the Republican party very amusing. When are you a going to learn that the majority of people on here don't care about a bunch of spoiled, dishonest Republicans.

I TOTALLY get it. I think we're watching the beginning of the demise of the GOP. The evangelicals, greed heads and feeble minded couldn't peacefully coexist forever.

Meanwhile, those super "smart" Obama voters continue to "contribute" in remarkable ways. Here's a clip highlighting the majority of the highly informed Democrat voters.

Hey CCup, did those damn right wingers plant the email server in HilLIARry's house?
Cup has no convictions. His thoughts are the dem talking points posted daily on Huffpost.
Wrong. I figure out most of it on my own watching the clown show.
Did you notice after 9/11 that 90 percent of all Americans including Democrats supported Dubya, rallying around CIC in lead up to war he lied us into. But Obama? Hell no all CONservatives plotted against the first AA CIC, obstructing the newly elected CIC before the new rug was laid in the oval. Since then--dirty pool at every turn. Signing letters to the Iranian mullahs undercutting the nuke deal--typical gop traitor sleaze mongering pledging their allegiance to screw the sitting president foreign policy. Thankfully their racist and sexist hate policies are headed to trash heap of history with Trump leading the charge. And HRC will at least get to nominate 2-3 new SC justices so America will still be land of free and home of the brave.

Oh--and nobody wants their damn guns and nobody's coming after them...
Republicons spent 16 years trying to undermine two presidencies and now trying to take out the first woman. In 44's case a gop cabal spent his first inauguaral night plotting against the newly elected Commander in Chief.

They reap what they sow.

Good! The GOP needs to be killed and rebuilt or replaced by something leaner, younger, more accessible, more Liberty focused and more socially agile.
Wrong. I figure out most of it on my own watching the clown show.
Did you notice after 9/11 that 90 percent of all Americans including Democrats supported Dubya, rallying around CIC in lead up to war he lied us into. But Obama? Hell no all CONservatives plotted against the first AA CIC, obstructing the newly elected CIC before the new rug was laid in the oval. Since then--dirty pool at every turn. Signing letters to the Iranian mullahs undercutting the nuke deal--typical gop traitor sleaze mongering pledging their allegiance to screw the sitting president foreign policy. Thankfully their racist and sexist hate policies are headed to trash heap of history with Trump leading the charge. And HRC will at least get to nominate 2-3 new SC justices so America will still be land of free and home of the brave.

Oh--and nobody wants their damn guns and nobody's coming after them...
Just as squeak posted, you're a slave to the group think talking points. Your quoted post is full of them. Obstruct Barry because he's black and don't want HilLIARry because she's a woman? Yep, you have nothing but the left's talking points.
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I TOTALLY get it. I think we're watching the beginning of the demise of the GOP. The evangelicals, greed heads and feeble minded couldn't peacefully coexist forever.
They were saying the same thing about the Dems a decade ago.
Republicans have crushed local and legislative elections since you said they were done as a national party. But just like most women when faced with this reality you won't have the reasoning power to acknowledge your stupidity or maybe even realize it internally
I also think it would be fairly obvious to any trained psychologist that the obsession over race by the likes of msnbc, npr and the huffpo is because of an underlying racism in liberals. They look at minorities as incapable and it's disheartening. I know this is not ground breaking, just one more thing that hides out in the open.
I also think it would be fairly obvious to any trained psychologist that the obsession over race by the likes of msnbc, npr and the huffpo is because of an underlying racism in liberals. They look at minorities as incapable and it's disheartening. I know this is not ground breaking, just one more thing that hides out in the open.

I have personally never seen anybody obsess over race as much as the conservatives on this board. medic is the worst -- he introduces it as an topic constantly. Look at this thread -- who first played the race card?

But liberals are obsessed over it, lol. They aren't the only ones!
I have personally never seen anybody obsess over race as much as the conservatives on this board. medic is the worst -- he introduces it as an topic constantly. Look at this thread -- who first played the race card?

But liberals are obsessed over it, lol. They aren't the only ones!

Absolutely false and intellectually dishonest.
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I TOTALLY get it. I think we're watching the beginning of the demise of the GOP. The evangelicals, greed heads and feeble minded couldn't peacefully coexist forever.

The Conservative population has enough independent thinkers to separate themselves from the establishment. Libs are dependent upon their elitist mommy figures to tell them what to think.
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Brother cup brought up AA commander in chief. Am I missing someone who brought race up before that?

If you post a video of a black person being dumb then you are a racist or bringing up race. CUP and Sys's racist claims are so outlandish it isn't even funny. I guess now when you disagree with someone of a different race it is racism now. Come on @syskatine tell us how intelligent you are again and how the rest of us are just so dumb.
Poor syskatine. Trapped in the liberal group think.

Maybe you can quote the post where I brought up race. That should be amusing.
Wrong. I figure out most of it on my own watching the clown show.
Did you notice after 9/11 that 90 percent of all Americans including Democrats supported Dubya, rallying around CIC in lead up to war he lied us into. But Obama? Hell no all CONservatives plotted against the first AA CIC, obstructing the newly elected CIC before the new rug was laid in the oval. Since then--dirty pool at every turn. Signing letters to the Iranian mullahs undercutting the nuke deal--typical gop traitor sleaze mongering pledging their allegiance to screw the sitting president foreign policy. Thankfully their racist and sexist hate policies are headed to trash heap of history with Trump leading the charge. And HRC will at least get to nominate 2-3 new SC justices so America will still be land of free and home of the brave.

Oh--and nobody wants their damn guns and nobody's coming after them...
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Oh I wouldn't go that far to say "the rest of us..." I think you stand apart from even the conservatives on this board.

Didn't want to talk about the part where you falsely claimed Medic made post about race? Just wanted to spout off at the mouth like Hillary? Len pick your game up.
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Medic posted a video of morons talking about Obama. Why does the race of the morons matter?

If your first instinct is when you see images of black people is that if a white person posted it it is racist then you yourself are a racist.
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When he constantly brings up race, being that guy - yep.

Ah but that's not what you said. You said look who brought up race first in this thread. You saw race because that's what liberals see ALL THE TIME. The rest of us saw People. Ignorant people, but just people. There are people of all races that act like that on both sides of the isle, but all you see is poor stupid ******s and you project that on the rest of us. The rest of us just see uneducated people who have been lied to by liberals for generations. Malcom x agrees with me by the way. It has NOTHING to do with the pigment in their skin. It has nothing to do with what continent their ancestors came from. It has nothing to do with hate towards a people based on race.

The first person to play the race card, as usual was your idiot brother who would remain an idiot if his skin was a different color from the crayola box every day for the rest of his life.
white supremacists endorsing presumptive Republican nominee.'

Where the outrage? There's a reason no blacks in GOWPP..

If it's white and squawks like Donal Trump it's a Gowpp racist leader of the RepubliCON Party...

True Color revealed
white supremacists endorsing presumptive Republican nominee.'

Where the outrage? There's a reason no blacks in GOWPP..

If it's white and squawks like Donal Trump it's a Gowpp racist leader of the RepubliCON Party...

True Color revealed

Where was the outrage when Communist Party USA endorsed Obama? True color revealed.
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Ah but that's not what you said. You said look who brought up race first in this thread. You saw race because that's what liberals see ALL THE TIME. The rest of us saw People. Ignorant people, but just people. There are people of all races that act like that on both sides of the isle, but all you see is poor stupid ******s and you project that on the rest of us. The rest of us just see uneducated people who have been lied to by liberals for generations. Malcom x agrees with me by the way. It has NOTHING to do with the pigment in their skin. It has nothing to do with what continent their ancestors came from. It has nothing to do with hate towards a people based on race.

The first person to play the race card, as usual was your idiot brother who would remain an idiot if his skin was a different color from the crayola box every day for the rest of his life.
You gotta move past pc stick. it's killing America...
So if people who believe in black race superiority like Rev. Wright or Farrakhan or the wonderful people of the New Black Panthers support President Obama we don't get a peep from Dems and libs.

But if some nut job white racists support Trump or another candidate we're all racists because we don't loudly condemn them. Is that the BS you're trying to shovel?

I don't give a damn what nut jobs of all races support, I'm just worried about my family, myself and the future of our country. Those people aren't worth responding to and it's not my responsibility.

If Libs lived what they preached I might have a small amount of respect for them.
Forget race, the people in that video should be sterilized. Unfortunately one already has 5 kids.
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Medic, I'll resist the temptation to go through your posts to find where you did it. I almost weighed in the other day when you gratuitously interposed race into a gun control debate.

I know you guys aren't racist. Why would you be? You live in a country with a black, liberal president that is right now giving a State of The Union speech in the last year of his second term. If you were racist, you've sure had a long 7 years, huh?
Medic, I'll resist the temptation to go through your posts to find where you did it. I almost weighed in the other day when you gratuitously interposed race into a gun control debate.

I know you guys aren't racist. Why would you be? You live in a country with a black, liberal president that is right now giving a State of The Union speech in the last year of his second term. If you were racist, you've sure had a long 7 years, huh?

I triple dog dare you to prove medic is a racist or plays the race card as often as you have previously stated. Back up what you say coward all the posts are right on his fan page.

Shirley, your bombastic accusations can be proven??
I triple dog dare you to prove medic is a racist or plays the race card as often as you have previously stated. Back up what you say coward all the posts are right on his fan page.

Shirley, your bombastic accusations can be proven??

The likelihood of me sifting through his posts is about 29,473,294,747,847 to 1. He knows what he does, and this isn't the first time I've called him for gratuitously interjecting race into unrelated topics.

He's a serial race baiter. He got what he wanted -- he solicits this kind of stuff and you of course LOVE a good racial fight. I'm sorry that yet again you guy have been victimized by evil liberals. Maybe you're just in a bad mood because our second term, BLACK, liberal president just took congress to the woodshed? On national tv?

Obama only has one year left in his second term. One white mail to another: you'll be okay. The election is in November and between now and then, the bucktoothed bigots can get out and really work hard for... well, nobody, they'll just bitch.
That is one of the dumbest fvcking posts I have read on this board and that's including osudl.

I cannot stand the personality fault of being shameless. Even as a kid when an adolescent would shoot off bottle rocket like comments and refused to be corralled logically it made me nauseous.

You won't look through them because you're full of buffalo chips. Everyone here knows it. You know it you know we know you know it we know you know you know it...
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