GOP Debate

I'd say Rubio and Huckabee are doing the best. You think msnbc or cnn would ask these tough questions to cankles? I think not. Tough questions.
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If you're a republican you have to be happy.

Cup is right though, the next president will have a vagina. Her name is CARLY FIORINA.
This is how I rank the performances:
1) Rubio - was solid on all questions. Predict he will move up in polls
2) Kasich - still going to struggle with his more moderate record, but his likebility factor was way up there
3) Christie - clear winner by decision to argue with Paul

Walker - thought did not help or hurt.
Bush - thought he did better than I expected
Huckabee - did well, but other than closing not memorable
Carson - had him in last place until last two questions. Seemed very nervous early.
Cruz - I could see where others might rank him higher than how I had him, but like Huckabee I did not find his responses memorable. Really I thought he would have more fire
Trump - he dodged too many questions
Paul - lost in the 1:1 debate to Christie. Was not as scripted as others which is a plus, but being upped by Christie really hurt him.
Trump would absolutely completely bend Hillary over in a debate. It would be a bloodbath.

She ain't Slick Willie, but she'd chew up Trump's pompous ass and spit it on her cankles, and he'd never know what hit him.
Trump would absolutely completely bend Hillary over in a debate. It would be a bloodbath.
An image I could have done without. I can only imagine that a naked Hillary looks like Trump doing a handstand.
Trump hurt himself. He was out of his element and just repeated his tag lines. Didn't give any specifics in his answers. He'll likely take a hit in the polls if for no other reason people may be opened up to somebody else they were less familiar with.

Huckabee is likable and very good in these settings. He usually gets a boost after an initial debate. He had the best line of night with his closing "joke". The problem is he's unelectable in a general. The extreme social conservatism will run off any swing votes. He's got sound economic views.

I thought Walker was a bust. He didn't do anything wrong but he seemed like he was just trying not to say the wrong thing which is uninspiring.

I like Cruz more and more. He's highly intelligent and has a grasp of the issues. He is right on to argue against the corrupt and compromised party leadership. Still he tends to over promise and his style gets in his own way sometimes. He's unwavering and unwilling to compromise which goes both ways.

Carson seemed a bit of an afterthought most of the debate and finished very strong. For being new at this he was good. He is a thinker and not a fast talker like you have to be in a debate. People want to back Carson but he's got an uphill battle for people to trust a person with the lack of experience, mainly in foreign policy.

A little of Christy goes a long way. He's hanging his hat on dealing with terrorists. That's clearly important but not sure he's even the best to handle that.

Bush was most convincing when discussing education. He's probably best suited on that issue. He's the ultimate establishment candidate and if not for a few people's deep pockets he'd be nowhere.

Rubio presented himself well. He's eloquent and comes off as authentic. Not a huge fan. He's basically turned into total establishment since being in office. He'd probably govern about like Bush 43.

Kasich had a good night too. He's a nice grandfatherly figure. Not a committed conservative so it will be hard to get through the primary. Will be fighting name recognition despite being in politics a long time.

I like Paul and support him. Some of his views are just too hard to consider for Republican primary voters. He proposes a different kind of governance. I liked what he said tonight but he came off a little sour. He probably figured to be a bigger player at this point.

Overall it was not a boring debate. Fiorina will likely be part of the next one. I'm wondering what will happen with Trump and the next round of polls.
Current results in the drudge report poll have trump winning with 50% of the votes. Sounds like the analysts here are out of step with drudge readers.
I pretty much agree with Plan9's assessment except for Cruz, I don't think he came off well.

I really don't know what to make of the fascination with Trump. He's different, which is good, but he's also a blowhard jackass. It'll be interesting to see how it plays out. I'll be shocked if he doesn't self destruct at some point.
It was the best debate I've seen. From opening salvo, it was a whiskey tango pageant of ego, bombast and conservative platitudes. Trump is a huge problem for the GOP (imagine him in a general election), Paul is an angry elf, Bush had no Alpha gravitas or command of anything... I left the watch party early and listened on the radio and thought Walker and Rubio were the most articulate. Maybe articulate isn't the word -- Donald is articulate if nothing else. He didn't file bankruptcy -- he "took advantage of laws."
It was the best debate I've seen. From opening salvo, it was a whiskey tango pageant of ego, bombast and conservative platitudes. Trump is a huge problem for the GOP (imagine him in a general election), Paul is an angry elf, Bush had no Alpha gravitas or command of anything... I left the watch party early and listened on the radio and thought Walker and Rubio were the most articulate. Maybe articulate isn't the word -- Donald is articulate if nothing else. He didn't file bankruptcy -- he "took advantage of laws."

Damn! That's twice now I've agreed with you . Rubio and Fiorina were the winners in my opinion. I would love to see Carly and Hillary debate.
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The ones I saw last night that I was truly impressed with were Ted Cruz and Carly Fiorina.

Cruz did very well. I think he's going to have serious likability issues though. I hope I'm wrong on that.

Huckabee did well too. I remember him doing well in 2008 also. He's a very likable individual. His presence in the race concerns me.

Rubio impressed me, but all I really see there is a well prepared politician. He plays the part well though. He's just be more of the same.

Rand Paul disappointed imo. His decision to attack Trump backfired. Claiming Trump buys and sells politicians and then Trump admitted giving money to him. And then Paul's rebuttal to Trump on the single payer HC system. I just wondered where his head was at that point. I was really hoping he was going to have a big night.

Trump was Trump. I think he made a big mistake going after Meghan Kelly. Just answer the question and don't be such a little bitch. I like his presence in the race and agree with Kasich (who I thought did well) that Trump strikes a chord with a lot of people. I think the GOP is making a mistake not to embrace his frustration a little bit. We don't need anger and bigotry in the party, but we do need someone with a little fire in their belly. I hope Trump can bring that out of someone.

I like Ben Carson. I just don't think he's dynamic enough to win anything other than the congeniality award.
Ted Cruz bugs the hell out of me. Whenever he speaks it's as though he's talking to first graders. Very Brad Henryesque.
Not sure how much to make out Trump's performance last night.

He had never been in a debate before, and was going against seasoned, groomed politicians.

About five times so far, corporate media (on the 'left' and 'right') have deemed 'this is likely to be the end of the Trump campaign.'

And yes, Fox seemed ready to take him down from the beginning.
I think the votes in the polls for Trump are more a vote against the status quo of the current political scene. Trump will fall, eventually, but not before he gets his jabs in and sends a wake up call on some issues that others dance around.
I thought Rubio was the most impressive in the evening debate. Carly Fiorina though impressed me the most. I was in Walkers camp before the debate but now wonder if he will relate to the masses when he goes up against the democratic nomination. He just seems to plain and I fear that won't translate well.

I guess I am also in the minority here because I thought Paul owned Christy and I thought it was a chickenshit CUP move to bring the dead off 9/11 up to justify taking away Americans freedoms.
TRump quadruples down GOP war on women!!!

"Bimbo Megyn was bleeding a lot from her wherever tonight"

"Francis Luntz is a low class slob!"

Wow Donald assaulting FoxNews icons!!! Kock boys won't have to take out Donald, RogerAiles gonna do it for them!!!
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Trump was as expected. Rand disappointed. I cant stand Huckabee but he's comfortable in a debate, no doubt.

Walker was very disappointing. Was looking forward to seeing what the big deal is with him and was unimpressed.

Jeb... Not as charming as W. Looks like a wimp. Talked a decent game but did nothing to change my opinion.

Ben Carson to me was my favorite if not the most impressive honestly. But maybe as another outside the beltway guy, not assertive enough - but very likable.

Rubio probably was the overall most impressive in the main debate but I was really captivated by his double size ears and worry that political cartoonists will emphasize them too much. Racists, obviously.

I missed the first debate but the buzz on Fiorina is very intriguing. My guess is she has earned a seat at the adult table.

Chris Chrispy Creme was smooth and articulate but incredibly annoying. He and Huckabee can piss off.
Refreshing to see people on stage not struggling to speak without a teleprompter. It's been a few years since we've seen that.
TRump quadruples down GOP war on women!!!

"Bimbo Megyn was bleeding a lot from her wherever tonight"

"Francis Luntz is a low class slob!"

Wow Donald assaulting FoxNews icons!!! Kock boys won't have to take out Donald, RogerAiles gonna do it for them!!!

Overuse of the exclamation point is a sign of immaturity or inexperience.
Trump would absolutely completely bend Hillary over in a debate. It would be a bloodbath.

I bookmarked this thread, and this is probably as good a time as any to officially say, thank you, @BIGOSUFAN . This is one of my top five favorite posts ever.

May I impose on you to share some more of your political instincts and predictions with us?
I though the first debate was a push or slight Clinton win. Trump sounded good for the first 30 minutes then sounded like a babbling idiot for the last hour when Clinton was much more rehearsed and polished.

I thought Trump was slightly better in the second win.

Third one was a solid win for him. Clinton could not defend her record and repeatedly deflected back to him. He clearly had her rattled at times and repeatedly wiped that stupid-ass, shit-eating grin off of her face.

Overall, he did not destroy her like I though he would. I clearly had underestimated her debate skills. She is good at it and she clearly had spent days, if not weeks, preparing for them. What stood out to me though about her is that once you got past her superficial , rehearsed delivery, there was little substance there. Just different permutations of the same, rehearsed talking points. The independents I know (my wife and some friends) agreed with me on that take.