Google/celebrities makes fools of climate change church

Come on man, only the aggregate matters. Did you not pay attention when pilt and davidallen excuseplained the terrible carbon footprints of the climate change church priesthood? Their individual contributions to carbon pollution don't matter! Only the aggregate matters!

pilt even said that he didn't care if the wealthy accounted for 100% of the carbon pollution if the result was a 50% reduction in carbon pollution. Don't bother thinking that in that scenario, if the wealthy also eliminated their carbon pollution, the total carbon pollution would be zero. Aggregate!

Ag·gre·gate. Say it with me Harry. Ag·gre·gate.
Come on man, only the aggregate matters. Did you not pay attention when pilt and davidallen excuseplained the terrible carbon footprints of the climate change church priesthood? Their individual contributions to carbon pollution don't matter! Only the aggregate matters!

pilt even said that he didn't care if the wealthy accounted for 100% of the carbon pollution if the result was a 50% reduction in carbon pollution. Don't bother thinking that in that scenario, if the wealthy also eliminated their carbon pollution, the total carbon pollution would be zero. Aggregate!

Ag·gre·gate. Say it with me Harry. Ag·gre·gate.
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So the people who want to save the world from a cataclysmic disaster are committing the same sins they want me to stop, in order to do so. I can't figure out whats more shocking, the hypocrisy or the hubris.
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It's going to be an ozone action day in Big D today. To protect me and get rid of those pesky ozones, I will pop the top on one of the remain cans of R-12 freon cans I have and spew it around my property.
It's going to be an ozone action day in Big D today. To protect me and get rid of those pesky ozones, I will pop the top on one of the remain cans of R-12 freon cans I have and spew it around my property.
I sold a dozen of those when they outlawed, 25 bucks each.
We had a party on the patio.