Good Question

@Ponca Dan today Rush Limbaugh shredded George Will to pieces, for the exact same reasons I've been posting... butt hurt because he thought he is the voice of conservatism, only to find out he's irrelevant. So he has hopped on board with the Democrats. He tossed Bill Kristol onto the fire too. I enjoyed every minute of it.
@Ponca Dan today Rush Limbaugh shredded George Will to pieces, for the exact same reasons I've been posting... butt hurt because he thought he is the voice of conservatism, only to find out he's irrelevant. So he has hopped on board with the Democrats. He tossed Bill Kristol onto the fire too. I enjoyed every minute of it.

Interesting. I believe George Will remains a stout voice for conservative principles. But you are correct that he is irrelevant to the Trump agenda.

Trump is not, and never has been a conservative. I would say he represents the nationalist wing of authoritarianism. Kind of a right wing response to left wing socialist authoritarianism.

I quit paying much heed to Rush during the presidential campaign when he abandoned the multiple conservative candidates in favor of Trump. (Don’t even pretend Rush was neutral. It was plain as the nose on your face who he was endorsing.). Like so many others Rush turned his back on the conservative principles he had championed for so long in a pure desire to win no matter what the cost. It is understandable. We all wanted Hillary to lose. But Rush had been telling us for years that true conservatives win. It turned out he didn’t really believe what he had been preaching.

And now, if you are to be believed he has so thoroughly bought into the nationalist/protectionist authoritarianism of Trump that he publicly bashes a conservative stalwart like George Will.

Here’s a link to show how far down the big government rabbit hole Rush has climbed:
Interesting. I believe George Will remains a stout voice for conservative principles. But you are correct that he is irrelevant to the Trump agenda.

Trump is not, and never has been a conservative. I would say he represents the nationalist wing of authoritarianism. Kind of a right wing response to left wing socialist authoritarianism.

I quit paying much heed to Rush during the presidential campaign when he abandoned the multiple conservative candidates in favor of Trump. (Don’t even pretend Rush was neutral. It was plain as the nose on your face who he was endorsing.). Like so many others Rush turned his back on the conservative principles he had championed for so long in a pure desire to win no matter what the cost. It is understandable. We all wanted Hillary to lose. But Rush had been telling us for years that true conservatives win. It turned out he didn’t really believe what he had been preaching.

And now, if you are to be believed he has so thoroughly bought into the nationalist/protectionist authoritarianism of Trump that he publicly bashes a conservative stalwart like George Will.

Here’s a link to show how far down the big government rabbit hole Rush has climbed:

Personally I'd rather have had a Rubio or Kasich as prez, but I'd rather have Trump over Hillary and I'm pretty confident that neither Rubio or Kasich would have stood a shot against Hillary.
Ponca, you are nothing but an apologist for the corporate fascists, state-aligned media and deep-state government totalitarians who combined their efforts, doctored polls and pushed false narratives to oppose Trump and eventually attempt to overthrow the results of a duly held presidential election. You are the joke of this board in saying you stand for the opposite.
Personally I'd rather have had a Rubio or Kasich as prez, but I'd rather have Trump over Hillary and I'm pretty confident that neither Rubio or Kasich would have stood a shot against Hillary.

I agree! Trump is vastly preferable to Hillary. But that didn’t make him a candidate worth voting for, just the best of two awful choices.

The thing Trump has done is show Republicans (and conservatives if they’ll
pay attention) how to beat the Democrats, namely quit apologizing for holding the principles you hold. Make your case and then double down on it.

Trump might make a completely idiotic statement, get called out for it, but even knowing it is idiotic he’ll repeat it twice as loud and with twice the boldness as the first time. It totally flabbergasts the Democrats! They have no idea how to counter his antagonism. Republicans had allowed themselves to be beaten down so far they had become a sniveling mass of crap. Trump has shown them how to deal with every situation, namely fight back.

True conservatives should learn from him, take that page out of his playbook and use it against him as well as the rest of the establishment.

The thing is I think Limbaugh was right all along, the country would respond to a true conservative that had the boldness of DJT. And I mean a true conservative. not some establishment Republican like Rubio or Kasich, who Hillary would have beaten like a drum. If you honestly stop to think about it you realize that a true conservative is the real outsider in the political game. They’re the only ones that would ever make a legitimate attempt to drain the swamp. They are the ones like George Will who have been called irrelevant.
@Ponca Dan I don't expect you to read the transcript, but here it is starting about mid-page.

Well, you’re right about one thing, it’s way too long for my feeble attention span. I did get to one reference about George Will, but I didn’t see the personal evisceration of the man. Maybe it was further past the part I read.

I thought it was interesting that Rush commented on how Nancy Pelosi has now become considered the moderate Democrat, something I had said a few days ago.

And I agree with him about the establishment being upset they were losing their clout. I just disagree when he included Will in that category. My observation about George Will is he writes what he believes and people can accept it or not. My personal distaste for Trump mirrors his, but that hardly puts either of us in a coalition with leftists. I admit I don’t hang onto every word the man says, so it’s possible Will prefers a leftist Democrat to Trump. But I haven’t seen such an endorsement by him. I have always admired him as a man of principle.
Ponca, you are nothing but an apologist for the corporate fascists, state-aligned media and deep-state government totalitarians who combined their efforts, doctored polls and pushed false narratives to oppose Trump and eventually attempt to overthrow the results of a duly held presidential election. You are the joke of this board in saying you stand for the opposite.
That’s quite a charge. I would ask you to show where I have apologized for “corporate fascists, state-aligned media and deep-state government totalitarians.” I repeat I stand for the exact opposite!

It's really true! As the saying goes, Rush is "A household name in all four corners of the world". Cool.

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It's really true! As the saying goes, Rush is "A household name in all four corners of the world". Cool.

Well you are wrong hardly anybody outside US know him unless they are curious about what is going on in the US>
75% of the world population is only interested in US foreign policy or who the president is.
Nobody cares about opinionated radio hosts.
Well, that means 75% of the people know who he is. Thanks for backing that up.
As I said earlier I haven't listened to Rush for a while. But I do remember he used to say he took vacations to Europe and other places because no one there knew who he was.
As I said earlier I haven't listened to Rush for a while. But I do remember he used to say he took vacations to Europe and other places because no one there knew who he was.

The reference was to a recording he plays (satirically) everyday by a guy from India who states Rush is “a household name in all four corners of the world”. I like to make jokes and satirical comments even when the people around me are suffering from low T.

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