Well, I didn’t address you for starters.
You inserted yourself with a meandering off-topic answer and then got pissed and told me to learn to have a conversation when I used a common 90’s vernacular (which I had no reason to dream you would find off putting) and avoided the central question, which for the third time is...
How do you feel about being lied to by the MSM regarding the Russian collusion hoax?
Next time I'll make sure you address me before I type anything and hit 'post reply'.
I didn't answer anything at all in my original post, or make an attempt to. Both of my sentences in my first post end in a question mark. The tweet (or whatever that is) you posted has two questions in it.
1. Since Russian collusion is false, why do you still hate Trump?
2. Shouldn't your ire be directed towards the media/dems rather than Trump?
I responded to the first question in the tweet with two questions of my own, because that seems like that is what the first question is leading towards. Did you get some other meaning from it? If Russian collusion is false/a hoax/etc... how could you still dislike Trump? That's not how you read that tweet? You posted two questions, but only one of them is the 'good' one?
And it doesn't bother me if you call be Beavis, Butthead. I was making fun of you for instances when you don't engage and you cut off people's posts when you quote them and then saying something like, "Let me stop you there."
And sure, I'll answer your question: It's bad that the media lies to the citizenry and hopefully they stop and some jobs are lost.
Will you answer my question now and the question posed in the tweet? Do you see a legitimate reason not to vote for Trump in 2020, especially now that Russian collusion is no longer a factor and shouldn't influence an individual's vote? Now that is out the window, is there anything left?