Go to NIH and type in "invermectin cancer..


Heisman Candidate
Aug 15, 2021
Treatments...They've known all along. Do you know how much money they would lose if they told everyone IVM treats and prevents cancer- much less the Coof?

They've had the cure or at the very least a huge prevention for years if not decades For cancer. The wife has told me for years but I told her- surely not
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I will remind everyone we have someone on this board that was saved from stage 4 cancer by a "dog dewormer". He has helped quite a few people in the same situation.

Ivermectin has won the nobel prize for helping humans with various ailments and is a "horse dewormer".

Not much of a leap to think that ivermection MIGHT be useful on the treatment of some cancers.

Especially if you leave politics out of it!
I will remind everyone we have someone on this board that was saved from stage 4 cancer by a "dog dewormer". He has helped quite a few people in the same situation.

Ivermectin has won the nobel prize for helping humans with various ailments and is a "horse dewormer".

Not much of a leap to think that ivermection MIGHT be useful on the treatment of some cancers.

Especially if you leave politics out of it!

except large randomized controlled studies to the contrary…the findings being wholly apolitical
This is a thread where it is shown by govt NIH entity that states I Ivermectin can help get rid of cancer, suppress tumors, et al..... It's basically been kept from the public for who knows how many years- they just keep using chemo and radiation that kills good
Body cells instead of recommending much safer Ivermectin and other possible much safer and cheaper therapeutics- you'd think the thread would get more interest.

I have had multiple family members die from cancer- it's brutal as most know. I know two people that say their cancer was beaten by Ivermectin. Seems like if it doesn't make the nightly cable propaganda it's not

Has anyone else known people that said their cancer was cured by Ivermectin? I have had my Dr prescribe it and I buy it from Tractor supply when it's in- which is hardly ever anymore..seems like many people are
Thinking the same way
Idk if this is true- I've Always said those Numbers taking the gene therapies were inflated
Make others think they should take


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