"Gloval Temperature" is a Fake Construct of Politicians and Media

from article above:

"The global warming alarmists, who have seized and now control the narrative — because, like a child who won’t stop crying for a toy he can’t have, they refuse give up — have a credibility problem. Actually, they have several. The public will eventually forget about them all, though, just as it has overlooked the mistakes by those who predicted other catastrophes that never arrived, such as Y2K, the new Ice Age, acid rain, mass human starvation, overpopulation, peak oil, and the Silent Spring.

After all, humans have been watching Doomsday prophets fail throughout history. They’ve been so common we hardly notice them."
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The current equivalent of continuing to say something which has been proven non-existent is Trump-Russian collusion. Been proven didn't happen by at least 4 investigations yet one side still insists it happened.

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