Cluck cluck cluck. Any time a firearm or missile is fired, little delicate snowflakes like you melt. OMG! OMG!
Sorry, it looks like a huge foreign policy win for Biff.
They're firing missiles now and that was all he had. They haven't quit doing shit. Trump was going to end all of this and they're firing missiles and making warheads around the clock.
Maybe Trump should send them $1.7 billion in cash on a plane, relieve sanctions to give them billions more, and maybe even attempt to strong arm a few US banks into letting them have access in exchange for nothing and call it an awesome deal.
Be sure to say..."Knock it off" and that's a great deal.Maybe Trump should send them $1.7 billion in cash on a plane, relieve sanctions to give them billions more, and maybe even attempt to strong arm a few US banks into letting them have access in exchange for nothing to and call it an awesome deal.
Angry Staffer? Bwaaaaaaahahahahahahaha!
This does not jive with reality. If trump was desperate they would already have sanctions relief or a deal right?
I love how five presidents in a row do nothing and trump tries something new and now the armchair qb’s come out of the woodwork. Pathetic even for @numbnuts standards.
Not to mention he got them to denuclearize. Or at least that's what he claimed.
I wonder if the other 5 would have just clumsily lied and say NK was denuked when they plainly didn't, would you have been as gentle with them? Of course you would. Its what #bornfollowers do.
Watching the post muh muh muh Mueller depression set in is hilarious. The #bornswallowers are rudderless.This does not jive with reality. If trump was desperate they would already have sanctions relief or a deal right?
I love how five presidents in a row do nothing and trump tries something new and now the armchair qb’s come out of the woodwork. Pathetic even for @numbnuts standards.
Oops. There's a malfunction in the Vox program.Not to mention he got them to denuclearize. Or at least that's what he claimed.
I wonder if the other 5 would have just clumsily lied and say NK was denuked when they plainly didn't, would you have been as gentle with them? Of course you would. Its what #bornfollowers do.
I hate that I have to ask this but do libs really think trump is enamored with Kim? There are people that think he is kissing ass because he really feels that way and not just to embarrass himself in order to bring about a peace deal?
I think trump hates kim with the heat of 1000 suns like we all do.
He's intimately involved with (and obviously heartbroken) every item that isn't a resounding success.
The economy, however, Obama's.
And hip hop/rap