Gay marriage will lead to...?

The LBGQTetc movement is making the same mistakes the religious right has in the past. Demanding equal rights under the law was the initial focus and one of significant value, and they've largely accomplished that. Now some LBGQTetc folks are demanding universal acceptance through things like this. That hasn't been and won't be productive and may alienate people that finally began supporting them.
way bigger deal than hundreds of hate crimes.

The LBGQTetc movement is making the same mistakes the religious right has in the past. Demanding equal rights under the law was the initial focus and one of significant value, and they've largely accomplished that. Now some LBGQTetc folks are demanding universal acceptance through things like this. That hasn't been and won't be productive and may alienate people that finally began supporting them.

I think this forced targeting of children that goes against millions of years of evolution causes hate crimes. Instead of the two sides living side by side, one is forcing the other to accept or reject. Why?

Doesn’t seem so utilitarian if that’s true.
A teacher explains being transgendered to the children she teaches? That's forcing.
A teacher explains being transgendered to the children she teaches? That's forcing.

Yes. Why is it an elementary school teacher’s responsibility to educate kids with undeveloped brains about complicated psychological disorders? It’s not, so she is forcing her woke agenda of exposing kids to things they couldn’t understand.
Yes. Why is it an elementary school teacher’s responsibility to educate kids with undeveloped brains about complicated psychological disorders? It’s not, so she is forcing her woke agenda of exposing kids to things they couldn’t understand.
Equality, just don't talk about it. Talking about it is forcing.
Equality, just don't talk about it. Talking about it is forcing.
No talking about it is not forcing, but talking about to kids that don’t even understand why boys have a wee-wee and girls don’t is. The fact that you can’t grasp that is telling. If this happened at my kids school I would be livid. All this was was the teacher trying to make himself feel normal when he knows full well it’s not.
So you're ok with religious teachers being able to espouse their religious beliefs in the name of talking about equality?
Yeah I think teachers should be able to explain the basic tenets of the various religions
I think elementary school kids can understand that sometimes boys want to act like girls and sometimes girls want to act like boys. Then again I might be biased because my kid isn't an idiot.
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Yeah I think teachers should be able to explain the basic tenets of the various religions
So Mix Steel was just discussing the basic tenets of gender identity? Is that why he said that people that disagree with it are motivated by fear and hate? Can a religious teacher tell students that if they don't agree with Christianity, they are motivated by fear and hate?
So Mix Steel was just discussing the basic tenets of gender identity? Is that why he said that people that disagree with it are motivated by fear and hate? Can a religious teacher tell students that if they don't agree with Christianity, they are motivated by fear and hate?
I think elementary school kids can understand that sometimes boys want to act like girls and sometimes girls want to act like boys. Then again I might be biased because my kid isn't an idiot.

Look out everyone. @07pilt is about to call his non idiot kid to the debate stage for a new aspect to this argument.
Sure, sure. And I'm sure all the non-religious parents would be perfectly fine with a religious teacher telling their kids that their disagreement with Christianity is because of fear and hate. Nobody ever goes into uncontrollable shitting their pants mode when someone wants to pray in school.

Sure, sure. And I'm sure all the non-religious parents would be perfectly fine with a religious teacher telling their kids that their disagreement with Christianity is because of fear and hate. Nobody ever goes into uncontrollable shitting their pants mode when someone wants to pray in school.

Saying opposition to someone's religion is because of fear and hate is different than leading prayers
Saying opposition to someone's religion is because of fear and hate is different than leading prayers
I wonder what Mix Steel would have done if some of her students told her that gender identity was nothing more than a mental illness or told her they aren't going to use her preferred pronouns because she is biologically a man. That probably would have been fun to watch.

I wonder what Mix Steel would have done if some of her students told her that gender identity was nothing more than a mental illness or told her they aren't going to use her preferred pronouns because she is biologically a man. That probably would have been fun to watch.

I wonder what Mix Steel would have done if some of her students told her that gender identity was nothing more than a mental illness or told her they aren't going to use her preferred pronouns because she is biologically a man. That probably would have been fun to watch.

Brings up another question. When I pass a Hispanic man doing landscaping, is it rude to say “hola”?

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