Gallup editorial

1. I can't remember the last vigorous antitrust enforcement, a good old sherman breakup.

2. Are we getting smarter (most startups fail), lazier or more undercapitalized? Too many corporate drones that don't venture out? What is it?

3. Of the last 5 places your money was spent, how many of them were family businesses?

4. Easy to attack those statistics. what's a "startup" in the census, Aunt Beulah selling some hen eggs? What is a "startup" in Denmark? What was a "startup" in the 50's, when the top marginal tax rate was insanely high?

And now, instead of the usual sky is falling crap, for your reading pleasure.....

Good job Lassana
Originally posted by syskatine:

1. I can't remember the last vigorous antitrust enforcement, a good old sherman breakup.

2. Are we getting smarter (most startups fail), lazier or more undercapitalized? Too many corporate drones that don't venture out? What is it?

3. Of the last 5 places your money was spent, how many of them were family businesses?

4. Easy to attack those statistics. what's a "startup" in the census, Aunt Beulah selling some hen eggs? What is a "startup" in Denmark? What was a "startup" in the 50's, when the top marginal tax rate was insanely high?

And now, instead of the usual sky is falling crap, for your reading pleasure.....

2. Is there more incentive to start a business or less?

3. Five. But that's easy in a rural environment where the nearest Walmart is 90 miles away. But you're right in pointing out the importance of consumer choice.

4. If Aunt Beulah forms an LLC to sell her hen eggs, then I'm pretty sure that's going to be counted as "another job created". If Aunt Beulah really wanted to make a killing, she would find a way to sell rooster eggs, instead.

And now, instead of the usual socialism is wonderful crap, for your viewing pleasure.....

Originally posted by shortbus:
Number three is a possibility.

Amazon has surely been the death of a lot of small businesses, for instance.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Seems like Amazon also helps a lot of small businesses too though. About 40% of Amazon's sales are Marketplace sales by third party vendors of all sizes.

It is amazing that even with the gloom and doom of this article, it now seems more possible for me to buy almost everything I use with some portion of the manufacturing process taking place in the US, if not all of it. Something I definitely would not be able to do if I was limited to within easy driving distance of where I live.

It would seem to me that the amount of debt 25-35 year olds find themselves in these days is the biggest issue. If you have 100K in debt, the last thing you are probably thinking is I should leave my steady paying job to go out on my own and do something. Even if you could, it seems unlikely you would be able to raise the capital necessary.

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