I don't consider myself to be a hateful person, but I have to admit, I am becoming engulfed with hatred for those who are so willing and eager to defend and support the person I believe truly has the potential to completely destroy the country I so dearly love.
It is magnified exponentially by the fact that those very people despise just about everything this country stands for and was built upon.
The level of respect I have for the process prohibits me from physical violence, however I have to believe that for many Americans, the line to cross is becoming pretty damn thin.
At what point does corruption at the federal level become insurmountable or has it already?
It is magnified exponentially by the fact that those very people despise just about everything this country stands for and was built upon.
The level of respect I have for the process prohibits me from physical violence, however I have to believe that for many Americans, the line to cross is becoming pretty damn thin.
At what point does corruption at the federal level become insurmountable or has it already?