Funeral Attire Help


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Mar 21, 2007
A good friend of mine's father passed this last week and I'm going back home for the funeral. I haven't been to a funeral since my 20s and I can't remember what I wore then. I've done some searching and black of course seems to be the common thing. I don't own a black suit and don't really want to own one because it would never get used. I do own charcoal gray, navy, plaid, etc. What are your thoughts on the following?

Charcoal Gray 2 piece
black shoes
white shirt

I'm really at a loss here for tie color. Obviously something conservative but my conservative design colors are red and bright blues. Are patterns out of the question?
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charcoal, navy blue, (darker hues) are always acceptable. Just pair a basic white or blue shirt with it and conservative tie (rep stripe or plain) and you're good to go.

No need to buy a black suit as was mentioned above.
I was a pallbearer at a funeral last week and wore a herringbone sports-coat and black slacks and didn't' even think twice about it. Someone might think it's inappropriate, but I'm not ruining a suit standing out in 100 degree weather.
I was a pallbearer at a funeral last week and wore a herringbone sports-coat and black slacks and didn't' even think twice about it. Someone might think it's inappropriate, but I'm not ruining a suit standing out in 100 degree weather.

Bingo! It's called common sense and tasteful because no one is there to make a fashion statement; everyone present is there to pay respect to the deceased and family.
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I have a very large family and have been to many funerals. Wear what you are comfortable wearing. People come in everything from jeans and khakis to suits of all colors, tie, no tie. No one cares.
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