From *The American Conservative*

That's no conservatism I've ever practiced or am familiar with. Looks like a shill publication.

The Jooz man...the Joooooooozzz.
I think you’re onto something. You should not trust, much less read anything with that name. Wait for a publication named *The American MAGA* before you pay attention to what is said, and then only if you know for a fact it has been endorsed by the Orange Man. You should not dirty your brain with anything that might conflict with MAGA. Stay pure, my friend!
It is explained who Biden and Blinken work for (and it ain’t us).

You could have changed ever Israel reference to Ukraine and the story would have read exactly the same and been exactly as accurate. Maybe its not that he works for Israelis. He works for the IMC who is loving having Biden in office and chaos around the world. How many extra billions have we spent on foreign military aid now? 200B? 300B? Maybe more, just since he's taken over.

As the old saying goes: "Just follow the money".
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