fringe violence

Okay. One of them brawls, wave swastikas and kills people. The other brawls. You have to admit those are some pretty stark distinctions.

Where is this coming from that the antifascists were communists? Do they self identify as communists or is that coming from outside the movement?

You were saying?
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@syskatine what are your thoughts here?

If someone attacks an unarmed guy in his home with a box cutter then they need to serve some time. That's a serious crime. Period.

I don't reflexively believe the story, though. Right wing media isn't a credible source for facts. I'll spare the board from my umpteenth lecture on why --they've all heard it before.
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I'm just trying to understand when the actions of an individual should be applied to a group. So when a BLM (alt-left) member assassinates 5 DPD officers, it was a lone act and not attributable to the organization. But when an alt-right individual attacks an opposition group with a car (and kills a lady) that means all alt-right groups are evil and must be countermanded from society immediately.

I love hypocrisy.
That wound looks fake. Unless he did it himself, that's not what a typical box knife wound looks like on the abdomen. If that's real, somebody took care to only cut the epidermis.

Looks like this one which was done with makeup:

This is a real box knife wound:

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