I watched it and Pico was just out-classed. Iran, Russia and the Russian satellite countries are just much better skilled than our American wrestlers. Pico was quoted as saying that he wished that we would switch to freestyle rules in high school and college so we could compete better internationally. I would be very much opposed to that. I do not mind adopting a few of freestyle's better rules like the penalty warnings which put the warned wrestler on the 30 second clock. I think this is a good rule. The push out rule is just dumb in my book and does not reflect a wrestler's skill in any way. Takedowns and back exposures with out control are another thing I do not like. High amplitude throws likewise as we would have a lot more accidents like Ray Murphy's if that happened.
I agree with your friend who indicated the Iranian was incredible. He was that and more but Pico has his own Freestyle coach who is Russian and he has trained under him for years so as Pico said in an interview, "He was just better than me".
I have lost total interest in Pico as he will never wrestle college so he is of no interest to me. Those of you like Honduee who follow MMA will be interested and I think he could be very good in MMA. No put down of MMA but it is just not my cup of tea. We have several great MMA fighters that are OSU alumni like Johny, Munoz, Cormier and others and I do not fault anyone watching them but if it ain't college wrestling I am not interested.