Man Cup, look at how those food stamp numbers ballooned during the Kenyan idiot's presidency. That graph is pretty damning of his economic "recovery." It's a good thing the Fed kept interest rates at zero and bulked up their balance sheets at a volume never previously seen or your Kenyan idiot's economic growth would have been in the negative.
The fewer people on food stamps, the better.
Hey cup why did you abandon the thread where we discovered your dad was exploiting illegals for his own profits? Your osu education came on the broken backs of illegal aliens. Shameful.
Now your brother works for the military industrial complex while all those Mexicans your family exploited are probably dead from over work and lack of health care. And you spent your prime playing and writing books about golf. A leisure activity while poor people starved all over the world.
When you became a Christian at six years old, did someone forget to explain the major concepts to you??
HSH would disagree.The fewer people on food stamps, the better.
Yes...the TrifectaWorst racist ever.
Huh? Do you make up this shit as you go or do you actually believe the crap you type? You should cut back on the alcohol, Cup. Your posts are pretty incoherent to start the day and evolve into rambling hot messes as the day goes on.So do many poorly educated single moms who no longer have health care since Trump and his minions deny them access to basic women’s health care and birth control..
Worst racist ever.
Low IQ must have been the target audience for that spectacularly speculative and poorly reasoned piece from npr.Low IQ Don...
You nailed it again Marshal!!!
Then you’re for Food Stamps—right??? If you are—good. They can’t be used for booze or cigarettes andgo right back into the economy. Many white men like yourself—ie Trump’s base—need them. (See OP) So do many poorly educated single moms who no longer have health care since Trump and his minions deny them access to basic women’s health care and birth control..
“Leisure activity?” That would be a young man like you with enough leisure time to post 23,000 times on a public message board since 2006.
No broken backs. Pops tried to pay more than the prevailing wages along the border. The Mormon farmers near Lordsburg told him ‘don’t do that.’
Farmers from California to Maine put many visitors to work. They wanted to work, industries all over America needed them. They did jobs nobody else would do or wanted. Trump himself hired thousands at his resorts all over the world (many he later wouldn’t pay, knew he had them over a barrel and told them to meet him in court which of course they couldn’t do....)
Trump is the world’s cheatingest crook. And the richest. And he has no problem cheating people out of money he owes them. Simple as that. His victims? In many cases, blue collar Americans—and immigrants (but not the First Lady and her family members, foreigners that he conveniently shoehorned into US citizenship) and natural born US citizens he wants to deport. His only loyalty? To his creditors in Russia, followed by “the fam”, in that order.
A wall would be the last thing most farmers of the greatest generation would have ever wanted. What a stupid idea, but par for our Low IQ prez who promised the Mexicans would pay for it...but is now trying to pawn his great lie onto the backs of US taxpayers....slick.....
He’s had control of Congress, the White House and now the Supreme Court—-so where’s the wall he promised ?????????????? Answer: just another Trump lie
This was a jarring insight into your head space.
Birth control is free for any woman.
This argument is no different than saying women could make all abortions go away if they’d keep their legs closed.BTW—Men could make all abortions go away for ever if they wanted to but of course they don’t. It would require BC on their part...After all they’re the cause.
I should have said for all women with insurance or who can’t afford it.Total BS. Birth control has never been free except at the hated Planned Parenthood (ACA)...Thank God for Obama...
Oh my gawd, there are poor white people? What about all their privilege?!?!?!
I still have my food stamps plus I’m 1/16th Native American so I’m not sure what you are getting at.
Oh my gawd, there are poor white people? What about all their privilege?!?!?!