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Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
There seems to be some extreme exuberance on the part of some of our board members for the expected payback to the Democrats and deep state conspirators who attempted to usurp the last presidential election.

It reminds one of the same anticipatory glee exhibited by our leftist friends while the Mueller investigation was being conducted, as they were certain they would see DJT be perp-walked out of the White House. That Trump was not able to be indicted has brought a sense of gloom and despair over their countenance, and they continue to cling to any vestige of hope that they had not been lied to.

Which reminds one of the glee and certainty that Hillary would wind up in an orange jumpsuit as her illegal e-mail scandal was revealed. Or that husband Bill was going to be impeached and convicted.

None of those outcomes were what the advocates had expected. Which leads me to wonder what makes any of you think the Barr or IG inspections/reports are going to be different?

Barr is as much a swamp creature as any of those on the Mueller team. Swamp creatures protect each other regardless of which “team” they are investigating. Democrat sycophants were absolutely certain Mueller was on their side and would give DJT everything he had coming. Now Trump loyalists believe the shoe is on the other foot, and those pesky Democrats will see what retribution looks like. There is nothing in the historical record to suggest anyone but bit players will be sacrificed to the mob. The main players will probably remain unscathed, free to continue their part in the circus entertainment that has so many regular citizens fired with passion and hatred for their opponents.

My free advice is to calm down, don’t expect too much. Swamp creatures are going to do what swamp creatures do. You are setting yourselves up for the same bitter disappointment as the Trump haters have just experienced. Trump himself may not be submerged in the swamp, but he’s certainly up to his knees in it. And his team is composed of lifelong swampiness. You’re fooling yourself if you think otherwise.
Sorry bud but expecting and demanding our laws apply equally is not glee, it's right. Democrats have been screaming their lies that Trump was a traitor for over two years while some of us that were not woefully intoxicated on the liberal Kool-Aid knew differently. Now that the lies have been proven by the Mueller report the right thing to do is find out who the real traitors were. In case you were not aware an attempted coup is treason.
Democrats demanded their suspicions be investigated and they were. Now the right demands an investigation into those they suspect of being behind an attempt to remove a duly elected President merely because they didn't like him. You are not required to enthusiastically support Barr's investigation but to sit here and act like the investigation shouldn't be performed is another shining example of the left's double standard.
Count me among those that seriously doubt anyone will ever be held accountable for the bogus investigation and total waste of time and resources it has cost the country.

Hope I'm wrong but I'll believe it only after I see it.
Sorry bud but expecting and demanding our laws apply equally is not glee, it's right. Democrats have been screaming their lies that Trump was a traitor for over two years while some of us that were not woefully intoxicated on the liberal Kool-Aid knew differently. Now that the lies have been proven by the Mueller report the right thing to do is find out who the real traitors were. In case you were not aware an attempted coup is treason.
Democrats demanded their suspicions be investigated and they were. Now the right demands an investigation into those they suspect of being behind an attempt to remove a duly elected President merely because they didn't like him. You are not required to enthusiastically support Barr's investigation but to sit here and act like the investigation shouldn't be performed is another shining example of the left's double standard.
I would ask you to read the post a second time. I am suggesting that anything the IG or Barr produce may disappoint some of you. I would like nothing more than to be wrong. But history suggests otherwise.
Eh, hope springs eternal.
Barr might surprise us all and hammer down on the more egregious crimes that have been revealed to date.
I do however think he should have Secret Service protection for the time being.
Desperate swamp creatures don't have much to lose.
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I agree with you on the subject.I have finished half of mueller report and it says exactly what I thought it would.I never thought Trump would be impeached nor did I think
Bill Clinton would be it is just simple math when you see who controls house and senate.
I agree with you on the subject.I have finished half of mueller report and it says exactly what I thought it would.I never thought Trump would be impeached nor did I think
Bill Clinton would be it is just simple math when you see who controls house and senate.
Wait what? Democrats control the house. They can impeach Trump.

The republican house did impeach Clinton.
Yes but he was not thrown out of the office and nor would Trump.That
is why Pelosi avoids the subject. If the house impeaches Trump it would only
be for the newspaper head lines.
The U. S. still has a 2 tier justice system. Let Don Jr. try scrubbing a private server under subpoena. Will this change?

NZ Poke, a New Zealand immigrant tells me, although New Zealand uses metric measure, gasoline is still sold by the Imperial gallon. True?
Wouldn't describe my attitude as exuberant, although it is infinitely more well founded in fact than "the Russians elected Trump" mantra ever was. I'm hoping every stinking one of them will be held to the same standard anyone on this board would. I'd even be satisfied with a few of them wiggling off the hook to turn on the big fish, but with regards to those in the FBI & DOJ, they should suffer the full force of the law. I'm cautiously optimistic some will pay a price, even more so if DJT is re-elected and Barr doesn't suffer a coronary.
There seems to be some extreme exuberance on the part of some of our board members for the expected payback to the Democrats and deep state conspirators who attempted to usurp the last presidential election.

It reminds one of the same anticipatory glee exhibited by our leftist friends while the Mueller investigation was being conducted, as they were certain they would see DJT be perp-walked out of the White House. That Trump was not able to be indicted has brought a sense of gloom and despair over their countenance, and they continue to cling to any vestige of hope that they had not been lied to.

Which reminds one of the glee and certainty that Hillary would wind up in an orange jumpsuit as her illegal e-mail scandal was revealed. Or that husband Bill was going to be impeached and convicted.

None of those outcomes were what the advocates had expected. Which leads me to wonder what makes any of you think the Barr or IG inspections/reports are going to be different?

Barr is as much a swamp creature as any of those on the Mueller team. Swamp creatures protect each other regardless of which “team” they are investigating. Democrat sycophants were absolutely certain Mueller was on their side and would give DJT everything he had coming. Now Trump loyalists believe the shoe is on the other foot, and those pesky Democrats will see what retribution looks like. There is nothing in the historical record to suggest anyone but bit players will be sacrificed to the mob. The main players will probably remain unscathed, free to continue their part in the circus entertainment that has so many regular citizens fired with passion and hatred for their opponents.

My free advice is to calm down, don’t expect too much. Swamp creatures are going to do what swamp creatures do. You are setting yourselves up for the same bitter disappointment as the Trump haters have just experienced. Trump himself may not be submerged in the swamp, but he’s certainly up to his knees in it. And his team is composed of lifelong swampiness. You’re fooling yourself if you think otherwise.

Difference is one was real and one was made up.

There needs to be a reckoning.
Difference is one was real and one was made up.

There needs to be a reckoning.
Oh, I wholeheartedly agree! I just don't expect to see one. A lot of talk, a lot of outrage, followed by a quiet whitewash with only a few small time players getting punished, that's what I expect to happen.
Oh, I wholeheartedly agree! I just don't expect to see one. A lot of talk, a lot of outrage, followed by a quiet whitewash with only a few small time players getting punished, that's what I expect to happen.
You better hope some top dog feels the pain or it will continue to happen.

The only thing which will put the fear of God into the Swamp is for someone higher than Scooter Libby going to jail.
You better hope some top dog feels the pain or it will continue to happen.

The only thing which will put the fear of God into the Swamp is for someone higher than Scooter Libby going to jail.
I'd like to see ALL of them go to prison! But the swamp protects itself first. It will take a bigger revolution than Trump's victory for things to change.
I'd like to see ALL of them go to prison! But the swamp protects itself first. It will take a bigger revolution than Trump's victory for things to change.
That gloomy prospect is more than likely the grim reality we're now in.
Does it suck?

Sounds great in theory, but 2.5 years into his presidency, Donald just made the Tweet below.

These Tweets are now sugar-highs, because they’re never backed up with action or results.

He’s already caved multiple times on government shutdowns, repeatedly signed terrible spending bills with no added border security and lots of pork (rewarding the swamp) — and incomprehensibly gave the Mexican government a “one year warning” to solve the border crisis that he was elected to solve.

I get that the swamp is bad and deep — but we did not elect the Tweeter in Chief — all Tweets No Action.

Or maybe he literally has no real power, and neither did Obama, Bush, Clinton etc
Sounds great in theory, but 2.5 years into his presidency, Donald just made the Tweet below.

These Tweets are now sugar-highs, because they’re never backed up with action or results.

He’s already caved multiple times on government shutdowns, repeatedly signed terrible spending bills with no added border security and lots of pork (rewarding the swamp) — and incomprehensibly gave the Mexican government a “one year warning” to solve the border crisis that he was elected to solve.

I get that the swamp is bad and deep — but we did not elect the Tweeter in Chief — all Tweets No Action.

Or maybe he literally has no real power, and neither did Obama, Bush, Clinton etc

american politics is not absolute rule
trumps got a shitload of things done
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Prosecutions. Several. I wish I was optimistic enough to predict it would include Obama admin and Clinton campaign leadership but at minimum intelligence agencies and department of Justice people.

The loss of faith in our legal system if this fails to happen would be profound.
There were text messages/email released recently from Strzok-Page indicating much of this framing of Trump, leaks and coup attempt was being directed out of Brennan's CIA using its assets and those of other countries.

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