There seems to be some extreme exuberance on the part of some of our board members for the expected payback to the Democrats and deep state conspirators who attempted to usurp the last presidential election.
It reminds one of the same anticipatory glee exhibited by our leftist friends while the Mueller investigation was being conducted, as they were certain they would see DJT be perp-walked out of the White House. That Trump was not able to be indicted has brought a sense of gloom and despair over their countenance, and they continue to cling to any vestige of hope that they had not been lied to.
Which reminds one of the glee and certainty that Hillary would wind up in an orange jumpsuit as her illegal e-mail scandal was revealed. Or that husband Bill was going to be impeached and convicted.
None of those outcomes were what the advocates had expected. Which leads me to wonder what makes any of you think the Barr or IG inspections/reports are going to be different?
Barr is as much a swamp creature as any of those on the Mueller team. Swamp creatures protect each other regardless of which “team” they are investigating. Democrat sycophants were absolutely certain Mueller was on their side and would give DJT everything he had coming. Now Trump loyalists believe the shoe is on the other foot, and those pesky Democrats will see what retribution looks like. There is nothing in the historical record to suggest anyone but bit players will be sacrificed to the mob. The main players will probably remain unscathed, free to continue their part in the circus entertainment that has so many regular citizens fired with passion and hatred for their opponents.
My free advice is to calm down, don’t expect too much. Swamp creatures are going to do what swamp creatures do. You are setting yourselves up for the same bitter disappointment as the Trump haters have just experienced. Trump himself may not be submerged in the swamp, but he’s certainly up to his knees in it. And his team is composed of lifelong swampiness. You’re fooling yourself if you think otherwise.
It reminds one of the same anticipatory glee exhibited by our leftist friends while the Mueller investigation was being conducted, as they were certain they would see DJT be perp-walked out of the White House. That Trump was not able to be indicted has brought a sense of gloom and despair over their countenance, and they continue to cling to any vestige of hope that they had not been lied to.
Which reminds one of the glee and certainty that Hillary would wind up in an orange jumpsuit as her illegal e-mail scandal was revealed. Or that husband Bill was going to be impeached and convicted.
None of those outcomes were what the advocates had expected. Which leads me to wonder what makes any of you think the Barr or IG inspections/reports are going to be different?
Barr is as much a swamp creature as any of those on the Mueller team. Swamp creatures protect each other regardless of which “team” they are investigating. Democrat sycophants were absolutely certain Mueller was on their side and would give DJT everything he had coming. Now Trump loyalists believe the shoe is on the other foot, and those pesky Democrats will see what retribution looks like. There is nothing in the historical record to suggest anyone but bit players will be sacrificed to the mob. The main players will probably remain unscathed, free to continue their part in the circus entertainment that has so many regular citizens fired with passion and hatred for their opponents.
My free advice is to calm down, don’t expect too much. Swamp creatures are going to do what swamp creatures do. You are setting yourselves up for the same bitter disappointment as the Trump haters have just experienced. Trump himself may not be submerged in the swamp, but he’s certainly up to his knees in it. And his team is composed of lifelong swampiness. You’re fooling yourself if you think otherwise.