I'm sure there's some online along with some pointers. But trust me on this one, you will NEVER spend your money on something as important as having an experienced attorney review a FDD BEFORE you consider signing on the dotted line.
Lots of franchises out there who have paid big bucks to their attorney to maximize the ways they can screw you out of your money. (not all, but quite a few). I'll be honest with you, I could review those contracts for days and wouldn't likely spot all the problems and I do have a bit of experience in that area. My old firm in L.A. kept an attorney in an "of counsel" position with the firm even though she only came into the office about twice a year. Her sole job was to provide services creating or reviewing UFOC's as she had about 30 yrs experience and even had written a legal text on the topic.
I can't remember the franchise, but I remember her pointing out a couple of provisions in one agreement that basically said that the franchisor could revoke the rights of the franchisee at their sole discretion and their decision could not be challenged. When we looked a little deeper, it turns out that they had done exactly that to a couple of their more successful franchisees. They merely waited until the franchisee had built the business into producing a decent revenue stream and then took over.
I would give you the analogy: You are going to enter into a "pre-nup" with a prospective marriage partner which is going to be pretty much one-sided (theirs). If you have much $ and your future at stake, pay the money to the best divorce attorney you can find to review it. It will save a lot of problems if things don't work out.