Fox News is the new Democrat holy war?


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Mar 12, 2008
Both homers who do nothing but troll have now made two attempts at discrediting the network. If you don't watch it then why does it bother you so much? I mean if all they report is nonsense and never true then why do they scare or bother you? I think MSNBC is a crock of BS but this is the first time I have even mentioned a news outlet on here. Attack the idea not the ones reporting it. Now carry on sheep.

Also for the record I have no problem with democrats I know some good ones and I think people having opposing ideas is very important to a healthy nation. These two just go far and above and I would like to know why now they are going after a news outlet as the ones to blame for all the issues much like they do with all the problems being Bush's fault. When will you two stop pointing fingers and give solutions? Hell even give an original idea.
Gotta remember their world view falls apart if you don't watch FOX news, listen to Limbaugh & Hannity, love W as a president and vote straight party R... And you still think they are idiots.

I've been a reader of this forum since it started, but have never posted. I was a regular on the Ghetto back in the day.

Spot on post MegaPoke. I'm a reader of news. Can't stand the docudrama style of the TV media these days. One thing I have found is that Fox does pretty balanced news on their website. They cover issues of both "parties." The blatantly liberal sites do not. You will rarely find anything criticizing the Dear Leader or his lying sack of shit potential replacement on Mostly Shit NBC or the formerly balanced Crappy News Network.

Figured I'd use cute nicknames since the few diehard liberals here seem to like that juvenile style.
Oh gawd medic broke his politics board hyman. You can only talk to cowboyup for your first 100 posts.
Not sure I can talk to him for even one post. A flamingly liberal Poke? WTF?

I can see where that would be hard for you. It's like pulling up behind a prius with about 30 bumper stickers and I see the normal obama biden, peace sign, tolerance and ou stickers. That clown always gets a honk from me even if they go right when the light turns green. Can't help myself. Welcome medic. Although your a uo fan you're good people. Try and get your buddy schitstain to come over and join in on the intellectual stimulating conversation that is the 24/7 cluster board. And try not to get sucked in by the local lib tards.
schitstain is too popped-collar and stacked plastic "champagne" glasses for my taste. Judging by what I've seen in the past, he's probably a liberal. He definitely likes Harry Potter.

And thanks for the welcome.
Former Bushie--Fox Noise vendetta killing GOP
FOX is killing the GOP yet the GOP controls more states, more cities and has a larger share of congress than at anytime in the last 100 years. Explain that to me.

The only reason Obama won two elections in a row was because he was able to mobilize the dependent class to come out and vote. Those people will not show up unless they feel they are going to get something for nothing and those people thought Obama was going to open the flood gates of government dollars to them.

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