For Those That Are Slow, One Chart Sums It Up

Depends on what happens and what causing inflation to drop.

Why does any of that matter? Are you taking into consideration what is causing high inflation now apart from simply blaming it on Biden?

If Biden is to blame for high inflation (as you stated), then why wouldn't inflation dropping be because of Biden as well? Shouldn't you be willing to thank him when inflation starts to fall?

Maybe you should just be honest about what you are really up to. I doubt you can be though.

Why does any of that matter? Are you taking into consideration what could be causing high inflation now apart from simply blaming it on Biden?

If Biden is to blame for high inflation (as you stated), then why wouldn't inflation dropping be because of Biden as well? Shouldn't you be willing to thank him when inflation starts to fall?

Maybe you should just be honest about what you are really up to. I doubt you can be though.
Any number of things could happen, have you seen Biden's disastrous foreign policy?
Any number of things could happen, have you seen Biden's disastrous foreign policy?
Don't try switching the topic of this thread now because your position is being exposed for what it is.

Again, you are blaming Biden for high inflation. If inflation drops, will you be able to give him credit for that? Will you be consistent or is this all simply about attacking Biden for you?

So same question to you...

If inflation goes down over the next year, will that also be because of Biden? Will you be on this board thanking him at that point?
There’s been some dumb sh!t posted on this board, but insinuating that if Biden is still in office when 40-year high inflation comes back to earth it somehow should be attributable to the Alzheimer’s patient’s astounding leadership, might top the dipshit list.
There’s been some dumb sh!t posted on this board, but insinuating that if Biden is still in office when 40-year high inflation comes back to earth it somehow should be attributable to the Alzheimer’s patient’s astounding leadership, might top the dipshit list.
The whole point went right over your head, didn't it?

Nope. You’re trying to give Biden premature credit for fixing the inflation issue when it inevitably resolves itself over the next 1-3 years. There was no other point you were trying to make.
Still not getting it I see.

Go back and try reading some more. Actually think through what you are reading too. Maybe a light will come on.
What do you think is causing the dramatic increase in inflation rates?
That isn't an answer to the question I asked you. Don't start flailing now Corndog Meds.

Again, if inflation goes down over the next year, will that also be because of Biden? Will you be on this board thanking him at that point?
That isn't an answer to the question I asked you. Don't start flailing now Corndog Meds.

Again, if inflation goes down over the next year, will that also be because of Biden? Will you be on this board thanking him at that point?
Nope. I already answered one of your questions. Don't be a little bitch out boi like always, tard_cents. Now get to answering my question after which I'll reply to your second question.
Nope. I already answered one of your questions. Don't be a little bitch out boi like always, tard_cents. Now get to answering my question after which I'll reply to your second question.
And away Corndog Meds goes with the flailing!

Just like always when he can't answer a simple question.

Flail away Corndog Meds. It is what you do best!🤣🤣
And away Corndog Meds goes with the flailing!

Just like always when he can't answer a simple question.

Flail away Corndog Meds. It is what you do best!🤣🤣
Sigh. I never expected you to answer my question because you have no clue. Zero. Maddow and the Joy's haven't given you any talking points. So, shrug.
Sigh. I never expected you to answer my question because you have no clue. Zero. Maddow and the Joy's haven't given you any talking points. So, shrug.
If inflation goes down over the next year, will that also be because of Biden? Will you be on this board thanking him at that point?

Let me know when you want to man up and answer the question instead of flailing around.
If inflation goes down over the next year, will that also be because of Biden? Will you be on this board thanking him at that point?

Let me know when you want to man up and answer the question instead of flailing around.
See above. What do you think is causing this historic Jimmy Carter level bad inflation? You can use Google and post a link if your grubby little dick beaters can't type your own thoughts.
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See above. What do you think is causing this historic Jimmy Carter level bad inflation? You can use Google and post a link if your grubby little dick beaters can't type your own thoughts.
If inflation goes down over the next year, will that also be because of Biden? Will you be on this board thanking him at that point?

Let me know when you want to man up and answer the question instead of flailing around and dodging a question you really don't want to answer.
If inflation goes down over the next year, will that also be because of Biden? Will you be on this board thanking him at that point?

Let me know when you want to man up and answer the question instead of flailing around and dodging a question you really don't want to answer.
Nope. I already answered one of your questions. Don't be a little bitch out boi like always, tard_cents. Now get to answering my question after which I'll reply to your second question.
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And there goes Corndog Meds again...

Don't try switching the topic of this thread now because your position is being exposed for what it is.

Again, you are blaming Biden for high inflation. If inflation drops, will you be able to give him credit for that? Will you be consistent or is this all simply about attacking Biden for you?

My apologies for being a thinking person. If China invaded Tiawan, Russia invades Ukraine, Iran nukes Israel or North Korea attacks South Korea i would think we could all agree that would change the economic picture substantially.
But hey if none of that happens and inflation is solved in a year, I will be happy to give Biden credit. The better question is will you finally come out from under the indoctrination and find fault in Biden and the Democrats if it doesn't?
What economically challenge leftist don't seem to understand is the current inflation will cause further inflation in the coming year. Talk to any farmer and rancher right now and you might start to understand what is coming.
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inflation is solved in a year, I will be happy to give Biden credit.
Ok, so if inflation comes down over the next year, you will give Biden credit for it. You are now on the record for this.

The better question is will you finally come out from under the indoctrination and find fault in Biden and the Democrats if it doesn't?
First, I don't solely blame Biden for the bad aspects of our economy right now. Nor do I give Biden all the credit for the positive aspects of our economy right now. I understand that these economic issues are influenced by other factors than just who has been President over the past year.

With that said though, if come 2024 and inflation is still high and our economy is not doing well, I will have no problem holding Biden accountable for that from a political standpoint. I will also acknowledge though any attempts Biden made to fix some of the problems that were thwarted by Republican opposition.

btw, I am under no indoctrination. That would be you and that is why you are so quickly to solely blame Biden for all the bad while ignoring or making excuses for all that is good.
Ok, so if inflation comes down over the next year, you will give Biden credit for it. You are now on the record for this.

First, I don't solely blame Biden for the bad aspects of our economy right now. Nor do I give Biden all the credit for the positive aspects of our economy right now. I understand that these economic issues are influenced by other factors than just who has been President over the past year.

With that said though, if come 2024 and inflation is still high and our economy is not doing well, I will have no problem holding Biden accountable for that from a political standpoint. I will also acknowledge though any attempts Biden made to fix some of the problems that were thwarted by Republican opposition.

btw, I am under no indoctrination. That would be you and that is why you are so quickly to solely blame Biden for all the bad while ignoring or making excuses for all that is good.
Inflation comes down? No, I said solved. Easy to slow inflation, raise interest rates. hard to solve it without cratering the economy. You forget we lived through this once and understand exactly how hard it is.
That graph is actually misleading. Because the average worker laid off in Apr 2020 was lower than average wage, the unemployment caused by COVID actually boosted the average weekly earning of the remaining employed people (Similar to the Will Rogers quote about the Okie migration to California increasing the average intelligence of both OK and CA). The graph below shows the YoY change in weekly wages paid (weekly earnings of the average private sector worker * the number of private sector workers).

To young to have lived through the Carter years?

I was thinking the other night that inflation was not all that bad depending on who you were back then. My wife and I had a very good friend back then who had a grandmother we were all very close to. The grandmother would always have us over to watch football on Sundays and have Sunday dinner together. Her husband had died and left her a pretty good sum of cash. I asked her one time how she was doing financially and will never forget she said she would be fine as long as the interest rates stayed up. She had CDs that were paying 18% interest and was living off the interest. I would love to have investments today that guaranteed 18%. Now that we are potentially going to go through another high inflation time, I'm hoping I can cash in on some of those 18% CDs. LOL
Again @2012Bearcat . . .

If inflation comes down and the economy continues to be strong and growing, will you give Biden credit and thank him for it?

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