I stumbled on this article about “left wing new economics.” It is painfully long and taxed my poor attention span to the max, but I trudged on because I found it so fascinating.
The main problem I had with the article is it never really explained what this new economics is. As best as I could discern it seemed a lot by what in the old days leftist libertarians called “spontaneous socialism.”
In the libertarian perspective spontaneous socialism could comfortably fit within a free society that allows each person to pursue his own objectives without interference. The socialism of the libertarian variety consisted of local co-ops, businesses that are purportedly owned and managed by the people who work in them. Some people would opt for collectively owned enterprises while others are free to strike out on their own and become entrepreneurs singly.
I didn’t get the impression that the leftist new economists are willing to go that far, they want everybody pigeon holed in co-ops. But beyond the authoritarianism they propose it seemed to me they are onto something new and exciting as a potential economic model.
The problem is I’m not sure if I am understanding them correctly. I’m curious if you know much about this subject and if you are willing to give me a highly edited version of it.
You don’t need to read it, it is VERY long. I had never heard of left-wing new economics before, but I found it fascinating and thought there are many aspects of it that could coincide with individualist economics in a free society.
I’m curious what you think.
The main problem I had with the article is it never really explained what this new economics is. As best as I could discern it seemed a lot by what in the old days leftist libertarians called “spontaneous socialism.”
In the libertarian perspective spontaneous socialism could comfortably fit within a free society that allows each person to pursue his own objectives without interference. The socialism of the libertarian variety consisted of local co-ops, businesses that are purportedly owned and managed by the people who work in them. Some people would opt for collectively owned enterprises while others are free to strike out on their own and become entrepreneurs singly.
I didn’t get the impression that the leftist new economists are willing to go that far, they want everybody pigeon holed in co-ops. But beyond the authoritarianism they propose it seemed to me they are onto something new and exciting as a potential economic model.
The problem is I’m not sure if I am understanding them correctly. I’m curious if you know much about this subject and if you are willing to give me a highly edited version of it.
You don’t need to read it, it is VERY long. I had never heard of left-wing new economics before, but I found it fascinating and thought there are many aspects of it that could coincide with individualist economics in a free society.
I’m curious what you think.