Sorry for this late reply. Two things are happening in my life that have me more occupied now than I have been in years. First I am forming a new company which maybe the biggest paid up capital company than I ever have. Second is cricket world cup cricket is my co-favorite sport with American football.
I loved Steve Davis his foreign policy views are very similar to mine. Specially when it comes to partitioning Iraq and Syria. I have always felt bad for Kurds and strongly believe that they should have a home land. Mid east as it exists today was formed by the British when they were trying to weaken the ottaman empire.
They did the same with India and Pakistan having a division which was not practical in a lot of ways hence Bangladesh and Kashmir.
I think he over simplified the Singapore system of forced saving. Like other countries the population of Singapore is in creasing and would have a lot more if they had more space.
As far as libertarians are concerned what I read about that concept was long time ago
apparently there have been changes in their thinking also.
I think everbody has a little libertarian streak in them whether you are conservative or liberal or socialist.I would love to live an ideal libertarian society, and I believe that is how the initial governments in the US were.
But unfortunately as the government involvement increases it keeps on increasing specially if an economic catastrophy happens like the depression of the 1920's.
I will listen to Steve Davis more now I actually understand where you are coming from.
Have to run world cup match is starting.