Thanks, that was fascinating. Sometimes I can’t tell whether he is lying to us or just doesn’t know the truth himself. For instance he acts like the US is just sending money to these other countries with whom we trade without getting anything in return. Just giving them money for nothing. But that’s not what is happening! If we have a $150 billion deficit in dollars with the EU, that means we have a $150 billion surplus in merchandise with the EU. He either doesn’t understand that or he’s hoping we are too stupid to see the truth. Secondly he acts like the tariffs our companies are charged are paid for by our companies. That’s nonsense! The consumers in the foreign countries are picking up the tab. And guess who gets the money? Why the foreign governments get the money, imagine that! So if he imposes tariffs on imports to the US, guess who pays that tax, and guess who gets the money! Thirdly, he was bragging about a German company buying a steel mill in South Carolina, a mill that has been closed for 4 years. Do you know that every penny the German company spent in buying that steel mill, and every penny it spends to bring it online is counted toward the trade deficit? It increases the trade deficit! Should we applaud the purchase or condemn it? There are many things he has done as President that I admire. His understanding of foreign trade, or at least the way he tries to explain it to the American people, is not one of those things.Talks about trade at the 30 minute mark.