Food For Thought From Glenn Greenwald

Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
Our seemingly “pro-war” advocates, especially those who think of themselves as right-wing or conservative, might want to reconsider with whom they’ve climbed into bed.

Who here has advocated going to war?

Putin has calf roped the corrupt senile POS in the White House and Europe as well with his threat this morning. Biden lost this fight before it ever started due it his inept and feckless foreign policy.

Please, you are not 2 cents, please don't act like him.
No, I'm not him. But I am confused why so many people, including many on this board, are so worked up over Ukraine. Did you read Greenwald's piece?
Biden, Pelosi, Romney, Kerry are all bought and paid for by corrupt Ukraine- that place is almost as bad as our government.

The corrupting and ties and mistakes with that country are endless- those named in this reply Want to go spend trillions and lives there- it's not our fight. The War mongers dying for another war so they can launder millions into their pockets and feed the industrial military complex dang sure don't need another war.

Keep our innocent kids here- don't believe the media that say Putin is the problem- DC,
Central banks. China and the global elitists are the problems. Such BS us doing anything over there- if we wanted to deal with Putin we would keep our pipelines open so Europe wouldn't be so dependent on them. What a scam the globalists and DC perform on We the People- I have a border I would support sending Troops to- but it's not a guzzillion miles from here
No, I'm not him. But I am confused why so many people, including many on this board, are so worked up over Ukraine. Did you read Greenwald's piece?
I have no idea why anyone would be worked up about Russian threatening to invade a sovereign country.
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I wish someone who does have an idea would tell us what it is.
You don't have a problem with Russian threatening to invade a sovereign country? How about China invading Taiwan? If not that's great but please don't have issues with those that think it's wrong.
Before you go there, no I'm not advocating sending troops, war or even sanctions. What I'm saying is the second Biden was placed in office this was a forgone conclusion to any that pays attention. It's no coincidence that Crimea fell to Russia under Obama and Ukraine is falling to Russia under Biden. All part of the plan IMO.
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You don't have a problem with Russian threatening to invade a sovereign country? How about China invading Taiwan? If not that's great but please don't have issues with those that think it's wrong.
Before you go there, no I'm not advocating sending troops, war or even sanctions. What I'm saying is the second Biden was placed in office this was a forgone conclusion to any that pays attention. It's no coincidence that Crimea fell to Russia under Obama and Ukraine is falling to Russia under Biden. All part of the plan IMO.

The problem I have is our leaders only treat one as an adversary and it’s not the one that’s tryin to rule the world.

That and our Presidents direct ties to people financially tied to Chinee intelligence.
You don't have a problem with Russian threatening to invade a sovereign country? How about China invading Taiwan? If not that's great but please don't have issues with those that think it's wrong.
Before you go there, no I'm not advocating sending troops, war or even sanctions. What I'm saying is the second Biden was placed in office this was a forgone conclusion to any that pays attention. It's no coincidence that Crimea fell to Russia under Obama and Ukraine is falling to Russia under Biden. All part of the plan IMO.
My argument is, and always has been, that US foreign policy needs to be as non-interventionist as possible - bordering on isolationist, if you will. We should be a nation of traders, not a nation seeking global empire that uses its military power to push other countries around. Following WW2 our political elites have become enamored to the point of addiction that it is our moral duty to make everyone else like us. It is a path to our own destruction. Pushing Russia to the point that it might invade another sovereign nation is not in our interest. Every fiber of our foreign policy being should be employed to create peace, peaceful relations and peaceful trade with the rest of the world. There is nothing about our foreign relationships today that even attempt that. I have posted a 37 minute interview that attempts to tell the truth, one only needs to listen. And Alpha Woke posted an hour+ lecture that is ten times better than
my link. But nobody wants to take the time to listen. We’re all too dug in to our beliefs that are based on emotion more than anything else. Look where it’s getting us.
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